Switzerland: Actions and Protests against WEF smash capitalism! - 26.01.2007 19:55
Protesters carried through actions and demonstrations against the gathering of the rich and powerful at the World Economic Forum (WEF) this week. Marches and direct actions took place mainly in Zuerich, Basel, Delemont and St.Gallen in various different forms.  fight WEF!  protest march  protest march  direct action gives satisfaction  direct action gives satisfaction  direct action gives satisfaction  protests at night  protests at night The demonstrations attracted thousands of people. Other actions included a hunger strike of the political prisoners Marco Camenisch and Erdogan E., banner drops in St.Gallen, graffiti, the fundraiser "Tour de Lorraine", and paint, stone and firework attacks against VW, KPMG, Ernst & Young, SECO and DAP. The protesters solidarised themselves in the declaration with the 5300 striking workers of VW, whose plant in Forest/Brussels (Belgium) is endangered with closure and relocation. SECO seems to be the economic state department whereas DAP seems to be something like a repressive secret service?, but they also seem to do deportations. KPMG and Ernst & Young, Pricewaterhouse Coopers and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu are advisory firms who seem to specialise in undermining trade unions, relocating of factories into low wage countries and also care for the rich and powerful on how to evade taxes. KPMG, Ernest &Young and VW are partners/sponsors of the WEF. http://indymedia.ch/de/2007/01/46022.shtml http://www.indymedia.ch/de/2007/01/46075.shtml The Public Eye Award, given away by The Berne Declaration and Pro Natura, honoured the most irresponsible companies. This year Bridgestone Corporation won the award for the slave like conditions its workers have to endure in the rubber plantation in Liberia. Closely followed up by Novartis, who was crowned the most unethical corporation Switzerlands by preventing the production of generic anti-bloodcancer drugs in India. This meant thousands of people world-wide could not afford their treatment of leukaemia. This year a positive award for the most progressive ethical company was premiered at the event. The Coop won it for its efforts to grow its products organically and fairtraded. http://www.evb.ch/en/f25000980.html Attac Switzerland organised again "The Other Davos", a meeting of trade unionists, activists, liberals, and intellectuals. There the main topics were the anti-G8 mobilisation for Heiligendamm in Germany, 2007 ( http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/actions/2007/g8/ ), migration and the treatment of asylum seekers in Europe and the dark side of globalisation and free trade. http://www.suisse.attac.org |