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Europe: Direct Actions in the run-up to G8 gee ate - 08.02.2007 16:57
Here is a list of some of what has been going on in Europe against this June's g8 summit in Germany  Actions in the run-up to G8 26.Januar 2007 hamburg: “revolutionary anti-militarist activists” burn the mercedes of a top-armament-manager of blohm & voss maritime systems and throw colour bags on the house of another one. they write “attack the nato-war-conference in munich – paralyze the g8 meeting in heiligendamm” 24. Januar 2007 zürich/bern: more colour and rockets on a bank, the indian embassy, the inland intelligence service dap and the swiss state work agency seco [ http://www.smashwef.ch] 24.Januar 2007 zürich/bern: more colour and rockets on a bank, the indian embassy, the inland intelligence service dap and the swiss state work agency seco [ http://www.smashwef.ch] 20. Januar 2007 switzerland: in different cities demos started this years dynamics against the world economic forum in davos, in zürich the bureaus of the consulting firms ernst&young and kpmg were covered with red & black colour. also turkish airlines was attacked as representative of the turkish torture state 11.Januar 2007 nuclear transport route: the group "hook in for withdrawal" puts several socalled hook-claws in the overhead contact line in front of the castor train. they call to shut down nuclear power plants and tear down g8 - they claim that energy politics is negotiated in action [interim 648] 15. Januar 2007 oranienburg: the militant group (mg) puts out of use two cars of federal police - which they describe as central organ of persecution and deportation - by making them go up in flames. the mg directly relates their action to the militant campaign against g8 and calls for further attacks 15. Januar 2007 jemnitzschleuse & heiligendamm: the "actiongroup fence inspection" explores the first parts and demands to fence in capitalism 9. Januar 2007 dessau & berlin: after a weekend of preparing antiracist actions during the G8, two demonstrations remember the murder of oury jalloh, who burnt alive in a german police-cell two years ago. clarification, justice and restitution is demanded [oury-jalloh.so36.net] 6. Januar 2007 berlin: a molotov sets ablaze the storeroom of a mcdonalds stuffing shack, while the writing on the wall says "mcdonalds kills" and "smash capitalism" - refined by an A in a circle 3.Januar 2007 berlin: to critizise miserable working conditions in global factories producing for companies like adidas a group smashed each and every big window of the central company store in the city centre [dissentnetzwerk.org/node/432] 31.Dezember 2006 mannheim: some hundered anticapitalists celebrate new year on a revolutionary silvester-demo. rumours tell of a smashed bank and police station [akantifa-mannheim.de] 30.12.-2.1.2007 oventik/chiapas: international meeting to prepare the next intergalactico against neoliberalism and for humanity [zeztainternazional.org] Protesters Carry Out Series of Attacks Ahead of G8 Summit Spiegel Online December 29, 2006 Protesters in Germany have attacked a luxury hotel where the next G8 summit will be held in June. The action comes just days after an arson attack on a politician's house. Meanwhile politicians bicker over who will pay for the massive security operation... [read more...] 27.12.2006 heiligendamm: "we marked next years target" say some enemies of the g8 throwing red and black paintbombs on the kempinski hotel in heiligendamm - announcing that there won´t be peace and quiet in the time before the summit [dissentnetzwerk.org/node/359] 25.12.2006 hamburg: the "ag kolonialism and war" sets fire to the car of state-secretary of finance thomas mirow in front of his house, which also got damaged by heat of flames and blue paintbombs. he was chosen as target for preparing the g8 spectacle of imperialist reign and being at controls of several strings of power. the group demands reparations for the crimes of colonialism and unconditional cancellation of all depts before christmas 2006 in berlin, essen, dresden & bremen: anti-copyright-sant@s distribute illegally burned music-cds to protest against the monopolization of knowledge, called intellectual property rights, and patents also in agriculture and medicine. they call to participate in the protests against the promoters of this policies, the g8, next summer [dissentnetwork.org] december 2006 berlin: for profiting from deportation camp system anti-g8-ers colour walls, glue locks, smash windows and leave anti-racist slogans at the federal bureau of the "charity" organization awo [interim 647] 15.12.2006 kopenhagen: start the riot 14.12.2006 kiel: solidarity action for ungdomshuset 10.12.2006 ghent: dissent belgium takes action in the shopping district against blind and sexist consumerism. [movie: http://ovl.indymedia.org/news/2006/12/14302.php] 30.11-2.12.2006 window rock/navajo nation: on the "indigenous world uranium summit" delegates of native communities from all over the world shared experiences and spoke about strategies to resist the "nuclear renaissance" promoted by the bush administration [and the G8 in russia this summer, coll.coll.] to put an end to uranium mining, weapons tests, plans for nuclear waste dumps - the whole nuclear fuel cycle [ http://www.sric.org/uraniumsummit/index.html] 30.11.2006 many places: global action day for education 29.11.2006 london: immigrants protest being locked up in a immigration detention centre by spilling out of their rooms and lighting fires to draw attention to their plight 18.11.2006 melbourne: stop g20 activists confront the meeting of finance ministers, reserve bank governors and heads of the world bank with a carnival, occupations of companies profiting from war and an army recruitment office, as well as militant protests - the arterial bloc celebrated its birthday by smashing a police van [ http://stopg20.org] 10.-13.11.2006 la hague to gorleben: activists stop the nuclear castor transport many times, trying out tactics of blockade for the summit next year [ http://de.indymedia.org/2006/11/161877.shtml] 10.11.2006 coimbatore, india: 200 farmers uproot and destroy plants in a genetically engineered bt.rice field trial of mahyco-monsanto. activists also did direct actions in karnal and gorakhpur in north india [www.viacampesina.org] after 27.10.2006 many places: solidarity actions with the struggle in oaxaca, where the mexican police killed 5 people storming the autonomous parts of the city. [ http://www.indymedia.org/en/index.shtml] 23.10.2006 hamburg: the headquarter of DAL, the German Africa-Lines is set on fire to remind of the colonial roots of todays global rule and exploitation, and to demonstrate against the continuities of german colonialism in everyday racism, as well as in the militarist and imperialist policies of the german government - reparations are demanded. the group calls to integrate the colonial background into the campaign and mobilization against the g8 (in german: http://dissentnetzwerk.org/node/148) 12.10.2006 moscow: anti-nuclear activists block the german embassy and demand to stop uranium transports to russia. the host of the g8 for sure won´t talk about the 400% extension of its uranium enrichment plant in gronau while presenting itself as spearhead of ecology, reason & peace next year 10.10.2006 barcelona: After hooded activists emphasized their opposition to the restructuring of the city by throwing paint, stones and flares on the Museum of Contemporary Art, the government puts off the European summit of housing policy ministers to prevent violent demonstrations by radicals and no-global groups. 7.10.2006 many places: 3rd day of migration related actions [ http://www.noborder.org] 6.10.2006 rotterdam activists climb on the floating deportation prisons in the harbour of rotterdam and blockade the entrances by locking themselves to the gate 5.10.2006 berlin: to contribute to the international actionday on migration and to support the idea of an antiracist focus of militant actions before and during the g8 summit, an unnamed group throws colourbottles on the "charity" organization awo, which runs deportation camps not only in berlin [interim 643] 4.10.2006 oldenburg: the refugees in the local deportation camp start a strike supported by several demos and an autonomous visit of the camp director´s house. the refugees still refuse the cantine feeding and 1€-Jobs, a low-paid type of forced labour. 3.10.2006 berlin: the no name chaots burn several cars of companies involved in nuclear energy as well as some expensive others to protest against the nuclear transports and the g8 [interim 644] 29.09-4.10.2006 mexico: protests against the meeting of the g8+5 meeting - alternative summit for climate justice & convergence against g8 [ http://contrag8.revolt.org] same time, arizona side of the border: indigenous groups gather at the "border summit of the americas" to protest against the border politics of the u.s. government - the planned extension of the fence/wall to mexico will cut through their lands and already militarizes their lives ( http://www.earthcycles.net/] end of september 2006 hamburg: The "unholy dam-bursting alliance" sets fire to the car of one of the bosses of the hermes credit insurance germany and colours the the house of another. hermes organizes financial guarantees that the german government gives to company investment in other countries, often following imperialist instead of social or ecological guidelines. soon it will be decided whether such a guarantee is given for the construction of the ilisu-dam in turkey. the group calls to flood the g8 instead [interim 643] 17.09.2006 schwerin and greifswald: at least some hundered people protest against the neo-fascist party npd, that entered the parliament of mecklenburg-vorpommern with 7.3% in the provincial elections. 10.09.2006 eberswalde: autonomous groups put the arson attac they attempted against a company dealing with genetically manipulated corn in the context of anti g8 protests [interim 641] 28.08.2006 a town near schwerin: the peuple de seattle (p.d.s.) wake up the prime minister of mecklenburg-vorpommern harald ringstorff with paintsbombs and stones. they critisize him for hosting the g8 while enforcing deportations and tolerating bad living conditions of refugees [interim 641] 04.08-13.08.2006 camp inski [see article in news from the fields and beyond] 20.07.2006 berlin: the autonome anti g8 sports league sets fire to 6 fiat cars and attacks a police station with paintbombs and stones in memorial of carlo giuliani killed 5 years ago during the protests in genoa [interim 640] 15.07.2006 international day of action for climate justice, and against climate change and the g8 [ http://rtc.revolt.org/node/316] 14.07.2006 global action day in solidarity with the anti-g8-protests in st.petersburg/russia [ http://int.ru.indymedia.org] 13.07.2006 stralsund near heiligendamm: hundreds of people demonstrate against the visit of george w. bush and the g8 gee ate |
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