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Griekse studenten strijden Griek - 09.02.2007 15:43
Greek students continue their struggle against the government measures in higher education. Greek students continue their struggle for more than a month. At the moment more than 330 university departments are occupied by the students. Greek students protest against the proposed changes in higher education. The right-wing government of the party ND ("New Democracy") is planning for the second time in one year to go forward with the new legislation. The first attempt was blocked by the students last summer. The current uprising of students has managed to actually stop the proposed revision of the National Constitution that would allow for private universities. At first both the government party and the main opposition party PASOK (social-democrats) had agreed to vote for the revision of the constitution. After one month of demonstrations, university occupations and protest actions the social-democrats were forced to back off. Therefore, the revision of the constitutions is practically infeasible as it requires an increased majority in the parliament. The actions will continue till the goverment withdraws completely the planned reform of higher education. |
Lees meer over: europa | aanvullingen | A photo | Griek - 10.02.2007 13:02
 Students' demonstration Athens 8/2/2007 A photo from the last demo in Athens. Thursday 8/2. | |
aanvullingen | |