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New uranium transport through Netherlands SOFA Muenster - 26.02.2007 21:38
Urenco - the tri-national company owning uranium enrichment plants in Almelo, Capenhurst/GB and Gronau/D - is currently preparing yet another train-load full of depleted uranium for transport from Gronau (just beyond the Dutch border from Enschede) to Russia. The trains go all the way through the Netherlands via Hengelo-Almelo-Deventer-Apeldoorn-Amersfoort-Utrecht and Rotterdam where the depleted uranium is loaded onto ships and is forwarded to St Petersburg. At the moment it seems very likely that the uranium train will leave Gronau on Wednesday, 28 February. The last train with about 1000 t of depleted uranium left Gronau on 31 January and was loaded onto ship on 1 February. Depleted uranium is transported in form of uranium hexafluoride which forms hydrofluoric acid (UF6) on contact with air liquide. UF6 is absolutely lethal. A few years ago two workers at Bayer Leverkusen died because they got in contact with a few drops of this substance. In case of a serious accident a wide area would have to be evacuated. The other scandal behind these officially secret transports is that Urenco disposes of their radioactive waste in Russia because storage in Germany (and the Netherlands!!) is regarded as too expensive. That is why a lot of Russian people at the towns of destination - Ekaterinburg, Tomsk and Irkutsk - protest against this criminal dumping of nuclear waste. Currently the Russian environmental group Ecodefense filed a criminal charge against Urenco in Germany. In the past there has been quite a number of protest actions in Germany, the Netherlands and in Russia. For Wednesday several groups have called for demonstrations along the railway route. The most likely timetable will be: Gronau: dep. 19.15 h Muenster: dep. 21.15 h Bad Bentheim: dep. 22-23 h Hengelo: 22.20-23.20 h Almelo: 22.40-23.40 h Deventer: ... It is time to stop Urenco and uranium enrichment !! No nuclear waste to Russia or anywhere else !! E-Mail: sofa-ms@web.de Website: http://www.sofa-ms.de |
Lees meer over: europa globalisering natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | uranium transport ready to go ! | SOFA Muenster - 28.02.2007 12:45
The uranium train will leave Gronau very likely tonight (28 Feb) at 7.15 pm. The train will arrive in the Netherlands around 10-11 pm and go to Rotterdam. German and Russian groups have therefore issued a uranium alarm and call for protests along the route from Gronau through the Netherlands to Russia and Siberia. Stopp the nuclear waste export !! E-Mail: sofa-ms@web.de Website: http://www.sofa-ms.de | |
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