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Vliegende uitzetcentra Joke Kaviaar - 14.03.2007 12:03
Drie Weense ondernemers hebben plannen voor vliegende uitzetcentra. Hiervoor wordt de vliegmaatschappij 'Asylum Airlines' opgericht. Deze zal dan langs de diverse Europese steden vliegen om deportees op te halen. Over een maand of drie wil men 'Asylum Airlines' operationeel hebben.  Het idee is afkomstig van de heren op de foto van links naar rechts 'Rechtsanwalt' Hermann Heller, en 'Unternehmer' Heinz Berger en Carl Julius Wagner. (bron: http://kurier.at/nachrichten/oesterreich/63114.php). In deze vliegtuigen zal een o.a. een gewatteerde isoleercel beschikbaar zijn voor mensen die zich al te erg verzetten, verder een medische staf, een vertegenwoordiger van een humanitaire organisatie en nog zo wat. Kortom, de laatste schakel in de deportatiemachine zal compleet zijn. Voorbij problemen met zich verzettende mensen in commerciële vluchten, en dus weigerachtige gezagvoeders en meer van dat soort 'problemen'. Er wordt al druk overlegd met de diverse Europese overheden, dus het zal wel big business worden. De Oostenrijkse heren presenteren het plan allicht als een humanitaire oplossing maar het gaat natuurlijk om de poen. Zo deporteerde Engeland afgelopen jaar meer dan ooit! Nog meer info: http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,21379231-5006506,00.html E-Mail: info@jokekaviaar.nl Website: http://www.jokekaviaar.nl |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa globalisering vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  |  | waar? | Mo - 14.03.2007 14:03
hm, als het waar is, is het natuurlijk wel heel cru. maar behalve de twee genoemde bronnen is er zo een-twee-drie nergens iets over deze heren en hun plannen te vinden. broodje aap? | uhmm... | meelezer - 14.03.2007 14:54
Voordat er over broodje aap gespeculeerd word lees eerst eens de links die erbij vermeld staan, ofzo... Quote uit dayly:"Here in Austria, every time a deportee is sent home on a regular flight, they need three seats, not just for the deportee but for the policemen on either side," Mr Heller said. "Many airlines have already stopped taking asylum seekers home because of unpleasant scenes. "With a professional service the deportations will be faster, chains will not be needed and the deportees can enjoy a meal." Overtuigd misschien, of houw je lekker je oogkleppen op? | more info | nn - 20.03.2007 18:33
the plans of the eu and some eu member states on joint deportations are going on now for a couple of years. "asylum airways" or "asylum airlines" are inofficial nick names for this practice. an article on no-racism.net (in german) on the proposal to operate a charter service for eu governments (based on an report from the corporate daily newspaper kurier, added at the bottom) is to find here: http://no-racism.net/article/2012 it provides not realy more information, but it is to know, that "Austrian deportation lawyer Hermann Heller" is also defendig police officers how killed Seibane Wague in july 2003 in vienna. the next hearing on the appellate court will take place on 15th of march 2007 (tomorrow!) in vienna. more on this case: http://no-racism.net/rubrik/98 in english: http://no-racism.net/article/1451 you can find background articles on joint deportations in german (from july 2005) with links to french and english information here: * 'Asylum Airways': EU-Sammeldeportationen mit Chartermaschinen: http://no-racism.net/article/1320 * charter.deportation.class: http://no-racism.net/article/1321 alonger english article from the netherlands (in english) is here: * Charter flights - cheaper by the dozen: http://www.autonoomcentrum.nl/overdegrens/4/index_en.html more on the plans of the eu: there are talks on this for a longer time now. during the austrian eu presidency 2006, one of the main points on "security" was the introductions of joint deportations. on a meeting at the end of april 2006, the ministers agreed on more joint deportation flights, coordinated by the new FRONTEX agency. the first official of this deportations happened on 12th of june 2006. this deportation was organised by austrian authorities in cooperation with france and poland and supported by frontex. but it was not the first of this kind of deportations. several joint deportations were organised for example by hamburg authorities during the last year. and during the last years, charter deportations increased everywere in the eu. see for example the netherlands (link above) or the uk (see: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/topics/migration). but the eu ministers on justice and internal affairs try to organice this more in cooperation with frontex agency. statewatch wrote in january 2007 after the informal meeting of the ministers in dresden: "It is expected that at least two more Council Decisions on "first pillar" (TEC) aspects of the Prum Convention will be proposed by the European Commission - these will be subject to qualified majority voting in the Council and codecision with the European Parliament. That is, one on the introduction of armed "air marshals" on flights in the EU and another on the immigration aspects eg: the joint deportation of asylum-seekers." see: http://www.statewatch.org/asylum/obserasylum.htm as it seems, some racists like to make money with this "asylum airlines" now. it would be good to collect information from different countries. | |
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