Ungdomshuset eerste 94 arrestanten vry! Freedom - 16.03.2007 21:37
volgens de daily paper politiken zyn afgelopen dinsdag 13-3-07 de eerste 94 arrestanten vrygelaten :)  They were hugging in front of Sandholm, when four young arrested were released.  According to the daily paper Politiken there were yesterday Tuesday, March 13. 07, released 94 political prisoners from and about the protests in the fight for the Youth centre! ( Hurra!!) It's about half of the jailed, the police under arrest in connection with the demonstrations and the solidarity activities in the last weeks. It happens in the wake of that Østrae Landsret on Monday chose to release nine political prisoners with the reasons that there "no longer is restlessness in Copenhagen." Among the løsladte ones is for instance a large part of them that was arrested in connection with the police's �knibtangsmanøvrer�, where bigger groups were cut off the road and arrested. See PS: A couple of good advice from the fangesolidaritetsgrupp ABC - Copenhagen Foundation ones slowly crumbles De løsladtely is mainly people that are on a charge of the offence against paragraph 134 and 134a, vice-inspector Steffen Th. Steffensen says to Ritzau's press bureau yesterday. The paragraphs he refers to, are about that deltage at crowd and coarse disturbance of the public silence and order. Up to 100 arrested since the protests should according to Ritzau's statements have had their imprisonments extended at Friday. But to all appearance it's a part of that group that has been released. It becomes only one less number that is to have their varetægts-imprisonment extended on friday, Steffen Th. Steffensen says. According to the police's leader's accuser in København Bitte Dyrberg the police estimate running whether there is basis to hold the jailed. And that foundation slowly started to crumble with the High Court's releases last Monday. Several information's:
http://politiken.dk/indland/article263090.ece -------------------------- PS. ET PAR GODE RÅD from the fangesolidaritetsgrupp ABC - Copenhagen - An addition to Kend your rettigheder ABC will gladly offer some extra advice and information to you, who participates and has participated in the protests in connection with the clearing of the Youth centre. Our purposes of this aren't to get people to stay away from the protests - on the contrary! We'll just help people to get not being arrested! Money You can support the prisoners financially by depositing money into ABC's bank account, we make sure that the money emerges for people, who need them. Reg. No.: 8401 Konto no.: 1079237 Letters Fat that so many completely have the request about writing to the arrested. Just a couple of important information and good advice: Letter control: Many of the arrested have correct letter control: That means that the letters for these people are to be posted for Kriminalpolitiet in Copenhagen. A police officer/investigate reader and approve, whether the arrested has to decide receive the letters. Write nothing about the demonstrations, and therefore avoid to state names. Write innocent letters about the everyday life. The letters are used in the investigation and in the mapping of the protests. Sends address: Write personal letters with sender address: Remember it aren't only about getting greetings from the outside, but also about that they arrested has to have a chance to answer you and have some to divide their thoughts with. Accomplices: Think of that the police look for med-gerningsmænd all the time - you can quickly become a like this - if you do not think carefully. You can damage your friend's case, but you can also damage yourself or others that still are at large. On the street Our wish with these information isn't to create unnecessary panic but. Photo-briefcase: The police's Lima cars will run around with a photo album with pictures by wanted people from the troubles on December 16. and 1. and March 2.. Think of which clothes, you were wearing those days, and throw it out! Money: The police arrest and arrest everywhere. Sea cash on you, thus you have a little on the pocket to, if you had to go in. Do not rely on the court system - innocent are arrested. They do not need evidence! Telephone numbers: As the police take your cell phone, As you are arrested, it's a good idea to know 1-2 telephone numbers on somebody, you'll have contact to outside the jail, thus you can call and report where you are. It may possibly be parents, dearest, a friend or spelling book. Friends from abroad: Look after your friends from abroad well - make sure that they read about their rights on www.blackcross.dk - they are found in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Spanish, Germanly and Englishly. If you give them touring maps, avoid ticking off demonstrations-startsteds, collectives, political organisations etc. The least suspicion that they are in Denmark in order participate in demonstrations,is enough to that they are thrown out by the country. Internet and sms etc Cell phone: Turn off your telephone if you are arrested. Then it's more difficult for the police to check your sms ers and who you know. Sms: Consider the sms�s you send - they can be used against you, but also against the recipient! Internet: Do not write anything in discussion forums, myspace etc as if directly are about unlawful acts. The police can easy find your ip address and thus find forward to you, also even though you use different aliases. Photos: Do not take pictures for demonstrations or in the case of troubles. They can be used to prove that you was here - right now there are it to here be enough to be arrested! If you'd like to have pictures of demonstrations, trouble etc then there are lots of pictures on the internet. Do not talk to the police!! The police aren't our friends talk talk only with them when it's necessary - e.g. when you have to go in the toilet at the station. Otherwise there is no reason to talk to them. All you say, will be used against yourself or your friends! And remember the police search after participant in the troubles - bragging therefore not with your achievements at school, on the public house, on workplaces and in buses and trains. There are heaps that �gode samfundsborgere� peaches to the police. Four you below 18 years: Your teachers, pedagogues and other public employees have underetningspligt, didn't see talk with them about your activities. Related Link: Http://www.blackcross.dk/ |