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Actieweekend Rigaerstrasse Berlijn city dweller - 20.03.2007 11:24
De bekende panden in de Rigaerstrasse in Berlijn worden ook bedreigd door de voortschrijdende megalomane stadsontwikkeling die we in heel Europa autonome structuren zien vernietigen. De Rigaerstrasse heeft besloten niet af te wachten en organiseert 30 maart tot en met 1 april een actieweekend. - Op de website over het weekend, valt onder andere te lezen; (...) different houses in Rigaer Straße have come together in order to fight against the loss of their freespaces which are not yet (completely) under control, in which there is still a possibility of (relative) free movement, which offer people a place where they can realise their ideas, different ways of life and dreams. A space where there is no place for fascists, racists, sexists and anti-semites! Our anti-fascist houses offer a secure place and support to people who are under threat or attacked from these arseholes.(...) Freespaces will be fought for - not begged for! Solidarity with all endangered projects! You know where it still rocks - Rigaer Straße every night! Zo is het maar net! Meer info op http://weekendofrigaer.blogspot.com/ |
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