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Report on the recent movements of/around marco camenisch ABC amsterdam - 31.03.2007 16:21
First the news: The recent attempt of the swiss minister of justice to incarcerate Marco Camenisch in a mental institution for the rest of his life failed. The "new" sentence is: 8 years of incarceration, minus the time already served awaiting trial. The question from the minister of justice for a psychiatric evaluation with following detention in a mental institution was refused. After that the judge listed all kinds of payments marco supposedly has to make as a financial restitution or for the courtcases. That means that they have to release Marco latest 2018. The earliest date he could get released would be 2012, if the swiss state let go of 1/3 of his sentence. This "new" sentence means also that the minister of justice lost on the whole line of his attempt. There is a possibility that he won't accept his defeat and continues to try to make Marcos life more difficult as it already is. Although it must be said; there isn't much to celebrate in Marcos case: If he has to sit through all of his sentence he will be released after 28 years of prison. He will be 66 by then. We can see once again: courts have nothing to do with justice. Each second of prison is one second too long! What is Marcos case about? An overview: Marco(born 1952) is an anarchist. He participated in the late 70ties in the struggles against Nuclear Power Plants(Anti-AKW). In January 1980 he got arrested together with some other comrades and sentenced to 10 years of prisons for the sabotage of pylon and a "nok-unterwerk"(prob. a power plant- note of the author). Another detainee got seven years. End of 1981 Marco escaped together with five other prisoners from the prison in Regensdorf. Thereby a prisonguard died. Marco disappeared for the coming years and struggled out of his illegality. 1989 the state-police and media made him the responsible for the murder of a border patrol close to Brusia. In Nov. after all he got arrested 1991 in Italy and in April 1993 he was sentenced to a 12 years sentence for several sabotage actions. Most of it he served in 'small-group isolation' in high security prisons. Italy deported Marco in 2002 to Switzerland. There he awaited the eight remaining years of Chur, as well as another trial for the flight in 1981 and the story of Brusio. Marco stayed active in the social struggle in the swiss prisons and kept a network of relationships. He also took part on mobilisations and actions that took part outside. Until the trial of may-june 2004 he got transfered five times and had to suffer from special prison conditions and isolation to break him politically and as a human, but also to make the solidarity work for him more difficult. Marco has scars and wounds from his time behind prison bars: Since some years he suffers from cancer and from other healthproblems common for long term prisoners. Since his last trial three years ago he was put into general detention in Pschwies(by Regensdorf). The detainees there are confronted with forced labour and enormous overpopulation. In addition to that the zuerich city counsil put in practice a nasty money saving system. So far this system was responded by the prisoners by a petition. And up to now the prioners received no answer to that. The trial of 2004. From mid of Mai 2004 the Zuericher Obergericht created a special spectacle to intimidate Marco and his comrades. The trial lasted for one month and in this period the building was covered in fences and the sight towards the inside was blocked. Everywhere special units of the pigs. On the side of the state: prosecuters: Ulrich Weder and Claudia Wiederkehr, the daughter of the ex-boss of NOK. The main judge was Hans Mathys who is part of the swiss socialdemocrats(He made a big jump in his career after the trial, he became part of the national court afterwards). The accusation was attempt of murder, the flight from Regensdorf 1981 and homicide- the borderpig of Brusio 1989. The witnesses were mainly retarded prisonguards and pigs who were telling what they supposedly had seen or heard 15 years ago. Marco refused to cooperate with the court. After this one month of police spectacle, the judges decided as follows: - Freedom for the flight from Regensdorf - 17 years prison for the story of Brusio. The decision was a shock, cause the 12 years Marco had been in italian prisons weren't put into consideration. This would have been a common thing to do in 'normal' criminal cases. The jury counted and decided on: 17 years for Brusio adding the 8 years of Chur minus 4 years of prison for investigation = 21 years of prison. Marcos defence decided to file a complaint against this decision, a sensible thing to do. The national courthouse decided last year that this calculation is wrong. By using this method it is only possible to add a maximum sentence of 8 additional years. What about the detention in mental institution? This can be seen as an additional attempt to incarcerate unwanted persons. This special form of detention was invented in Switzerland in the year 1893. This law was used to 'protect' society from special cases of 'evilness'. Until 2006 this was used to detain so called 'habitual criminals' and 'persons of abnormal psychic behaviour'. Not to forget about the 'mental ill' who were in danger of 'falling back in the habit of criminal behaviour'. This is of course still the practice, only in 2006 some of these laws were changed. This special form of detainment is called >VerwahrungVerwahrungVerwahrungVerwahrung< can ask to be released from this detetion. The persons responsible to decide if the one is 'ready to leave' are in the worst cases the same as the ones responsible to decide that the person is too dangerous to stay in society. Therefore we can see how small the chances are for someone in this detention to be released via the bureaucratic way. NO DETAINMENT OF RESISTANCE. FREEDOM AND SUNSHINE FOR MARCO. FOR A WORLD WITHOUT PRISONS. RATHER BURN THEM ALL. On march 12th when prosecutor Weder tried to make his pleadings supporters chanted "Marco libero", "We aren't complete, the prisoners are missing", "Freedom not detainment" while making noise by applauding. The courtguards escalated the situation and police was used to beat the crowd out of the court. Two people got arrested. In the night of 8th of march a wall on the highway Bern-Thur was painted with the slogan "Free Marco Camenisch". |
Lees meer over: gentechnologie | aanvullingen | spandoek aktie | ABC amsterdam - 31.03.2007 16:30
On 9th of march a banner was put up by leftists inside the zuerich main station saying: "No detainment of Marco Camenisch. Freedom for all political prisoners, here in Italy... | |
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