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Copenhagen: PIRATE PARTIES IN SQUAT HOUSES – yeah ! autonom info-service/from dk. - 10.04.2007 01:37
The eviction of Ungdomshuset has created a vacuum in Copenhagen. Several squat actions are now being carried out to fill it up. Friday 6. April and Saturday 7. April 07 activists took five empty houses in Copenhagen and began parties here. Two of the five houses – in Sydhavnen and Christianshavn – were cleared yesterday, Sunday 8. April 07. Eight activists were arrested – two of them were released the same day. The others are expected to be released today, Monday.  "We never surrender!"  10-15.000 in solidarity demo, 31.March 07   cops gattering before the demo Friday 6. April an empty house in Amager was taken and used for pirate party all night long. Hundreds of activists joined the dancing party, and thus the police was absolutely in the minority and did not dare to intervene. Saturday 7. April an other empty house was taken in Christianshavn. Also on this occasion the police chose to stay away and let the party be all night. At Sunday noon, after the party was over, the police cleared the building and arrested six activists, who were still inside the house where a staircase was barricaded. The squatted house is owned by Kulturarvsstyrelsen, which is an institution of the Ministry of Culture. According to the activists who took the house, the building has been left empty for a long time. In spite of this the director of Kulturarvsstyrelsen asked the police to clear the house. Eight activists were arrested – two of them were released the same day. The others are expected to be released today. These pirate parties have been carried out without confrontations with the police. It indicates that Easter has been used for phasing out overtime work among the police. It seems as if the police does not dare to keep on calling in extra men in short time notice. Probably because they don’t want to stress the cops more than the latest months’ actions already have done. Thus it looks like the Youth House movement is winning against the exhaustion strategy of the police. On former occasions in Nørrebro and Nordvest the police has chosen to shut down pirate parties violently with the use of batons and dogs. Both times it led to confrontations between police and party participants. After the party in Nordvest the police had to send home several cars with flat tires and other damages. The squat actions and parties during this weekend were carried out in spite of an official statement from the police of Copenhagen, which says that all attempts to squat houses will be cleared as soon as possible. The police is worried about a situation where the empty houses will be barricaded and defended. source and more infos:
http://www.ungdomshuset.dk/ indymedia.dk
http://indymedia.dk/openwire |
Lees meer over: europa kunst, cultuur en muziek vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |