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Interfaith Peace Walk Towards a Nuclear Free Future peacehq - 12.04.2007 21:54
The first of many international walkers have arrived in England to begin an 86 day Interfaith Peace Walk Towards a Nuclear Free Future from Dublin to London starting on the 12th of May 2007. FOR IMMEDIATE PRESS RELEASE April 2007 The first of many international walkers have arrived in England to begin an 86 day Interfaith Peace Walk Towards a Nuclear Free Future from Dublin to London starting on the 12th of May 2007. Footprints for Peace is a peace organisation based in America with coordinators based through out the world. Over the last 15 years, the group has participated in and organized Peace Walks in America, Australia and Japan and now have there sights set on Europe. With the Labour Party promising to upgrade the U.K's nuclear weapons system people through out the world are horrified at England's blatant disregard for the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty with their commitment to spend 26 billion pounds on Weapons of Mass Destruction. Marcus Atkinson from Australia, one of the main organizers, has just arrived in London saying "In the 1950's Britain dropped Atomic bombs on Australia. This happened in remote areas of the desert - killing & affecting many Aboriginal peoples and Non Indigenous communities in the area. Britain's nuclear weapons program has already killed, and caused so much suffering through out the world. To spend an atrocious amount of money to create a new generation of nuclear weapons is a crime against humanity". The walk will go up the East Coast of Ireland from Dublin to Belfast meeting with communities affected by the pollution created by the Sellafield Reprocessing Facility, and will then take a ferry to Scotland and walk up to the Faslane Trident Nuclear Submarine Base, home to Britain's own weapons of mass destruction. The walk will then continue down to Sellafield Reprocessing Facility in Cumbria, before heading to Menwith Hill and Flyingdales (near Leeds) which is an American spy base that will also be used for the ongoing American Star Wars program - a "space based" weapons program. Finally the walk will continue to Aldermaston where they are building a new laser system and facilities to upgrade and create Britain's next generation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. The walk will finish in London on the 6th of August to commemorate the anniversary of the atomic bombs used by America, killing over half a million people in Hiroshima & Nagasaki. "We are here to walk from Dublin to London stopping at many nuclear facilities to work with local communities to raise public awareness about the suffering and coercion that local community and environment through out the world face by the nuclear industry. The nuclear process affects us all from the mining of uranium, transportation, enrichment, reprocessing, nuclear power plants, weapons and dumping of radioactive waste. We would like as many people to join us for as long as they can - a single step, an hour or the whole way to carry the message of a Nuclear Free Future" said Kerrie-Ann Garlick from Footprints for Peace. For more information please contact Marcus or Kerrie-Ann on 07881 425 531. E-Mail: ffpindy@hotmail.com Website: http://footprintsforpeace.tripod.com/ |
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