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Irak? De oorlogscriminelen moeten zélf betalen! Henk Ruyssenaars - Journalist - 18.04.2007 15:30
There are a couple of million people all over the world who'd be more than happy to pay if the money is used for gallows to hang those who are guilty of all the war crimes. But now the UN asks that we - who abhorred their horrible wars from the beginning - should pay? They must be stark raving mad! In some cases the damages will have to be paid in blood. DO WE HAVE TO PAY FOR THE DAMAGES THEY MADE IN THE BY THEM ORCHESTRATED WARS? WHERE MILLIONS DIED BUT THE WARLORDS TOOK THE $BILLIONS PROFIT? THEY MUST BE TOTALLY INSANE AND LOCKED UP FOR LIFE! Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - Amsterdam - April 18th 2007 - It is absolutely hairraising and unbelievable: first the US war machine with the UK and other NATO traitors and mercenaries invade, kill, maim, torture, jail, starve, bomb and in all other ways destroy Iraq and the Iraqis. And now we - who abhorred and warned for the inhuman wars from the beginning - now we should pay? Have those war criminals and their stooges gone absolutely insane? They did the damage and must be locked up forever. All of those war criminals of whatever nationality or whatever they claim to be. And especially the London warlords, the managers of the multinational mafia who already for a long time have been the origin of all human misery.* The so called United Nations, with all it's lied pretexts for US junta wars, is a totally by the US junta's war machine controlled and rotten organisation, but now dares to ask us in the rest of the world to help eight million Iraqis which need humanitarian assistance? Which they and the other war criminals in the first place are responsible for to have put in such an inhuman and bad situation? No bloody way! They start the wars? They pay! And we'll absolutely have to stop those war criminals and their collaborating cowards - especially those in the propaganda press - who do this to us, to mankind, over and over again: we'll have to neutralize all of them forever . It's going to hurt some of them, but they are hurting and killing us, so to stop them it has to be done. If the US warmongers with the criminals orchestrating the wars had not illegally invaded Iraq, which all human beings warned against, for instance sixhundred-and-fifty-five-thousand Iraqis would not have died. Don't these 'crazies' in Washington and London get it? Those people in Iraq, according to last years investigation by the Johns Hopkins University, those people like you and me would not have died! And Afghanistan nor Iraq should have been bombed back to the Stone Age, Babylon would not have been destroyed and hundreds of millions of human beings would not have started to resist in a growing war against the US and UK barbarians in their war machine. US SANCTIONS: 567,000 IRAQI CHILDREN DIED Those barbaric creatures already in a 1995 U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report were held responsible for the fact that 567,000 Iraqi children under the age of five had died as a result of the sanctions. And, you will have difficulty in grasping this: today, in 2007, IT IS AN ESTIMATED ONE MILLION MORE! AND THE US CRIMINALS HAVE DONE THIS! Have you ever seen a baby die? Worst was the answer by Madeleine Albright-Korbel, a Czech communist woman who at the advice of her rabbis went to the US and was named Secretary of State. (Foreign Affairs). When Albright-Korbel in the CBS program '6o Minutes' was asked about all the by the FAO described dead babies in Iraq, by anchorman Lesley Stahl who wanted to know more about this infanticide and massacre brought about by the illegal U.S. sanctions against Iraq, Stahl put it like this: "We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it? Said this United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright - who tried to give the impression of being a woman: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price - we think the price is worth it." CBS - 60 Minutes - 5/12/96. Anybody seeing this and not wanting to cry and/or vomit is not human.* THE IDIOTS SUGGESTING THIS MUST BE OUT OF THEIR F.....G MIND! And now we, the warning and innocent bystanders who for decades have said that this war madness should have stopped a long time ago - now we should pay? The idiots suggesting this must be out of their f.....g mind! Have you nut cases gone totally crazy? Do you now want us to pay for the war crimes perpetrated by mentally disturbed psychopaths like Bush's managers and the UK war criminals and warlords who have destroyed more than money ever can buy? Those criminals have no decency and should be punished severely as soon as is possible! What they say and do is psychopathic!* According to the war supporting The Times (UK) today: ''Ordinary Iraqis were facing a basic survival crisis because years of neglect, sanctions and violence had undermined the country’s infrastructure, John Holmes, the UN’s emergency relief co-ordinator, told a two-day conference in Geneva to raise awareness of the plight of Iraqi refugees. “Up to eight million Iraqi civilians are in urgent need of humanitarian relief,” he said. “Iraq is not just a controversial political and security issue but a profound and no doubt lasting humanitarian crisis." It is more idiotic than any normal human being can understand: the rotten to the core UN which nowadays only functions to dole out 'fig leaves' for the US junta's war machine and it's managers to destroy new peoples and countries, now this same UN suggests we pay up? I personally can imagine a couple of million people all over the world who'd be more than willing to pay up if the money was used for gallows to hang those who are guilty of all the war crimes against innocent people. And now this sick UN pleads for 'the world' to help millions of Iraqis trying to flee the violence? Violence which is a result from the wars the US junta's war machine and its mercenaries orchestrated? They must be crazy to even dare ask a thing like that! But, than again, they are psychopaths! THE DIRECT FAULT OF THE WAR CRIMINALS: "Two million have fled to neighbouring countries and need basic supplies, as do almost two million displaced from their homes inside Iraq. As many as four million more are struggling to cope with conditions exacerbated by the sectarian violence."* One of the main stooges for the US war criminals, Antonio Guterres, the so called UN High Commissioner for Refugees, added that Jordan and Syria had provided refuge without any "meaningful support" from outside. He is damn right: the world should have stopped all the war criminals and have them immediately thrown in jail. And of course all their war profiteer-money should be taken from them to cover the first expenses for the innocent war victims. Guterres like the others is absolutely raving mad when he even dares to say that we should pay for what the US/UK war criminals have destroyed with their wars. Saying that ''it is time that the international community responded with genuine solidarity and unstinting aid to displaced Iraqis and to the states hosting them." So, let's see if we get this right: they break every rule in the lawbook and commit every war crime possible, and then we should pay: ''responding with genuine solidarity and unstinting aid"? What an enormous lot of garbage and insane bullshit! More insane bullshit was produced by war supporting Hilary Benn (UK) the International Development Secretary, who was yesterday on a visit to Brussels. Defending the misery and the gigantic 'Slaughterhaus 5' destruction in Iraq, Benn had the lying chutzpah to say ''that the main cause of Iraqi displacement was sectarian violence and the solution lay in restoring order." That of course, and Benn knows this, is a bloody lie. But he and Tony Blair still think they can get away with it. Well, they can't and they won't. They will go to court and than to jail for life. What Benn lies about 'sectarian violence' is the by the US and UK made violence and problems. Iraq had NO suicide bombers before the war. And everybody knows 99% of those suicide bombings are done by US and UK special forces. Israel is more active in Kurdistan where there's more oil and especially water. MUCH WILL HAVE TO BE PAID IN BLOOD In Iraq and many other occupied countries in the world - and to avoid more US/UK and collaborator's deaths - the only solution is the immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops and bases from other countries, back to where they belong. And it's further logical as hell: the war criminals, which have done all the killing and damages, they should pay. And never with tax money of the people who did not want any of their wars. People who warned for the consequences. So, the war criminals and their multinationals, those responsible for the genocides everywhere must pay. Even if what a lot of what they have done to people in many cases can never be paid with money. That, in many cases, and as is the custom in many countries, will have to be paid in blood. There are millions of people who really want revenge for what has been done to them and their lives, and by many the world over it's hoped they will get it. Because the war criminals which live by the sword, will die by the sword. They very much deserve it. HENK RUYSSENAARS * 655.000 IRAQIS DEAD - ENORMOUS DEATH TOLL OF IRAQ INVASION REVEALED - 11 October 2006 - NewScientist.com news service - Around 655,000 people have died in Iraq as a result of the US-led coalition invasion. - Url.: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn10276-enormous-death-toll-of-iraq-invasion-revealed.html * HALF A MILLION BABIES KILLED? THAT'S OK! US/CZECH SECRETARY OF STATE MADELEINE ALBRIGHT-KORBEL - Url.: http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1084 * THE WARMONGERS ARE PSYCHOPATHS - Url.: http://www.serendipity.li/bush/beyond_insanity.htm * THE UNITED NATIONS IS PART OF THE US JUNTA'S WAR MACHINE - http://www.cemab.be/news/2006/10/2027.php * DUTCH MINISTER ATTACKS WOLFOWITZ - Url.: http://members5.boardhost.com/medialens/msg/1176709521.html * PAUL C. ROBERTS - BUSH MUST GO - When are the American people and their representatives in Congress and the military going to wake up and realize that the US has an insane war criminal in the White House who is destroying all chances for peace in the world and establishing a police state in the US? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2tguvx * 2005 NOBEL LITERATURE PRIZE WINNER HAROLD PINTER: "PEOPLE DO NOT FORGET. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/9cyeq * THE NUREMBERG PRINCIPLES: "Any person who commits an act which constitutes a crime under international law is responsible therefor and liable to punishment." - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/byurp * 'THE WAR IN IRAQ IS ILLEGAL' - BBC: video & text-interview of the United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5pl2v * US FASCISM: ''MILITARY COMMISSIONS ACT OF 2006'' - "Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither." - Benjamin Franklin - Wikipedia - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ydkywt * WHERE DOES ALL THE WEALTH GO? - WHO CONTROLS GLOBAL MONETARY AFFAIRS? - Url.: http://www.augustreview.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7&Itemid=4 * IN THE EVIL EMPIRE HUNGER KILLS 18.000 (EIGHTEEN-THOUSAND) CHILDREN EVERY DAY! - According to 2007 figures by UN officials. - Url.: http://dc.indymedia.org/newswire/display/137924/index.php * US CITIZENS: WATCH AND WEEP! Visit this site to check out what the war has cost your town or city or state. - Url.: http://nationalpriorities.org/index.php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=182 * TIME POLL: WHICH COUNTRY POSES THE GREATEST DANGER TO WORLD PEACE IN 2003? North Korea 6.7 % Iraq 6.3 % The United States 86.9 % Total Votes Cast: 706842 - Url.: http://www.time.com/time/europe/gdml/peace2003.html * THROW OUT WAR PROPAGANDISTS LIKE THE BBC, FOX, CNN ETC.! - Url.: http://www.cemab.be/news/2006/07/1632.php * Henk R. is a journalist who has been declared 'Persona non Grata' by five 'governments' in East and West. This far he has lived and worked abroad - never in an English speaking country - for more than 4 decades for international media, but always as an independent foreign correspondent. Of which 10 years - also covering Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more resistance against the inhuman US junta's war machine and its global terror! * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html * BEROEPSVERBOD EN ACHTERGROND VAN H.J.J.M. RUYSSENAARS (DUTCH) - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2betsx FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
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