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Oaxaca: Radio Universidad weer bezet Carla - 01.05.2007 08:52
In de aanloop naar de grote demonstratie vandaag, 1 mei, in Oaxaca is de universiteit bezet. En Radio Universidad is ook weer bezet en in de lucht als spreekbuis van de APPO. Students Re-occupy Radio Universidad In Oaxaca City Today By Barucha Calamity Peller At approximately 5pm today in Oaxaca City, Radio Universidad was re- occupied by APPO sympathizers and students from different departments of the Benito Juarez Autonomous University who are sympathetic to the APPO. With protests songs and political information, the transmissions were initiated to spread information about the different mobilizations planned for the first days of May. Tomorrow, a national labor holiday, teachers from section 22 union, together with other social organizations will march to the Zocalo of the Capital City to protest the continuing governance of Ulises Ruiz, ousted by popular demand since June of last year. The radio hosts are asking for support from students and the general public to reinforce the radio installations and take security measures in case of state repression. The radio hosts are saying that the radio and the university will be occupied for the next two days. The university radio is the site of the November 2nd battle between APPO sympathizers and Federal Preventive Police during an attempted eviction of the barricades protecting the occupied radio. The barricadistas and radio supporters were able to force thousands of Federal Preventive Police to retreat and continued to defend the occupied radio and it's surrounding barricades for nearly a month despite severe paramilitary repression. The radio was handed over to the university authorities a few days after the violent battle between APPO sympathizers and Federal Preventive Police on November 25th. Due to the siege of Oaxaca City by state, local, and federal forces and continuing repression, those upholding the university radio and the barricades felt that it was impossible to remain under the circumstances. Although there were several radio takeovers by APPO sympathizers last fall, Radio Universidad had been the last remaining after violent evictions by Federal Preventive Police. Today is the first day a radio has been occupied in Oaxaca City since November. Live transmission from Radio Universidad can be accessed here:
http://www.uabjo.mx/radio/radioOnLine.php |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme globalisering Oaxaca vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Berichten op Radio Universidad | Carla - 01.05.2007 08:53
Een aanvulling van Nancy Davies, NarcoNews. Today Monday April 30 the students re-took the radio station at UABJO. They have been broadcasting for three hours as I write, mainly songs of the rebellion. The words broadcast repeat "non violent", but are very harsh regarding the "fascist" governor, president, and the capitalist system. On the Carmen Alto Plazuela a rally has been taking place for Children's Day, sponsored by the APPO. "Tomorrow the Labor Day marches will head for the zocalo...The APPO demands better conditions for the workers...Several different organizations against capitalism will plan activities for May 2. The coordination is national, against privatization of electricity, among other things." sounds like a national work stoppage, but I'm not clear on that. "The taking of the station is to demand liberation for the political prisoners, and for a national popular assembly"
| old list: Radio Oaxaca | MM - 01.05.2007 09:16
Old radio list Oaxaca (&sympathising stations):
http://wikiresear.ch/Radio_Oaxaca Especially the mirrors aren't working. As the database for this wiki is temporary closed, one can use the data for transfering to other sources. Or send a new list/additions/deletions to the mentioned email.
E-Mail: WikiResearch-owner@yahoogroups.com | bericht cml.vientos over Radio Universidad | MM - 01.05.2007 09:43
http://cml.vientos.info/ Transmite Radio Universidad de Oaxaca, ocupada pacíficamente por estudiantes universitarios, sintonízala 2:10 Reporta Radio Universidad de Oaxaca al aire, que en las antenas de Brenamiel y El Rosario, en Oaxaca, hay policías de la UPOE, hostigamiento realizado en torno a la ocupación estudiantil de las cabinas de Radio Universidad de Oaxaca. No hay denuncia por parte de la universidad, por lo que no se sabe bajo que argumento la policía realiza su hostigamiento por la madrugada. | Vertaling cml.vientos: Politie in actie? | MM - 01.05.2007 09:49
Radio Universidad is geweldloos bezet. Om 02.10 (09.10 NLse tijd) melde R.U. dat er politie van de UPOE in de antennes van de Brenamiel en de Rosary zit. Dat zou niet mogen, want daarvoor moet er eerst een duidelijek aanvraag van de Universiteit zijn (die op hen hand is). (heb de tekst niet geheel begrepen) | diversen, 1 mei pamflet | MM - 01.05.2007 10:27
 UPOE is speciale gouvermentele politie... Dit is de Oaxaca rubriek van CML-Vientos (Centro de Medios Libres):
http://cml.vientos.info/taxonomy/term/105 Deze tekst en Blog hoort bij het pamflet: Espacio de difusión crítica sobre la situación social que vive el Estado de Oaxaca asi como los diferentes sectores populares de Mexico. M.S.D
http://barricada-oaxaca.blogspot.com/ | 5 daagse lopen,,.? | MM - 01.05.2007 12:02
 De demonstranten kunnen in principe 5 dagen doorlopen, want na 1 en 2 mei, zijn er op 3,4 en 5 mei demo's voor de gevangenen van Atenco: Jornada por la libertad de los presos políticos de Atenco
http://cml.vientos.info/node/8667 | Zocalo ingenomen door "een miljoen mensen" | MM - 01.05.2007 21:26
Die een miljoen moet je met heel wat korrels zout nemen, is mijn ervaring bij eerder genoemde aantallen (die veel lager bleken als ik ze persoonlijk telde door iedereen langs te laten komen). Elders lees ik dat "sección 22" (de leraren) het hebben over 60.000 mensen en dat lijkt mij realistischer.
http://cml.vientos.info/node/8707#comment-1269 "13:05 Radio Ke Huelga reports that the march of the social movements in Oaxaca for the exit of Ulises Ruiz from the government of Oaxaca now has been entering the zocalo for an tour and a half and many people still haven’t arrived. According to many journalists, the movement in Oaxaca was vanquished, in spite of the fact that today around a million people went into the streets to demand the exit of Ulises Ruiz, as well as educational improvements and for the workers. For months, the political-military barrier was maintained in the central plaza of Oaxaca – today this barrier is broken with a truly enormous demonstration."
http://www.delotrolado.net/oaxaca | Foto 1 mei op de Zocalo | Carla - 02.05.2007 08:50
  De mei demonstratie in Oaxaca is rustig verlopen. Er was geen politie in het centrum en zowel de vakbonden als APPO konden hun demonstraties op de Zocalo afsluiten. Hierbij een foto daarvan en een genomen in de demonstratie. | |
aanvullingen | |