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Earlier RAF-activist Christian Klar`'s free pardon refused Ulrike - 10.05.2007 00:31
When the German federal president Horst K�hler met Christian Klar last week to a �afklaring samtale� in connection with a possible free pardon after 25-year imprisonment, there were many political observers that thought that the race had already driven.  From the revolutionary autonomous, left radical 1. May demo this year in Berlin-   Birgit Hogefeld  4-9-1974 Sartre meet andreas Baader in stammheim to discuss isolationtorture  March 27. 1993 RAF Weiterstadt .It was RAF's last action ........... When the German federal president Horst K�hler met Christian Klar last week to a �afklaring samtale� in connection with a possible free pardon after 25-year imprisonment, there were many political observers that thought that the race had already driven. Ahead of the meeting between Christian Klar and Horst K�hler the chairman of the ultraconservative Bavarian government party CSU, Mark S�daer had, sent a clear signal for the federal president: In case of that Christian Klar is pardonned, parts of the conservative hinterland will no longer vote for him at the next presidential election in the spring of 2009. Other top politicians from the conservative party spectrum made a statement on line with Mark S�daer. Federal president K�hler, who is more former boss of World Bank, understood the warning. Yesterday he turned away without reasons a free pardon both of Christian Klar and of it earlier RAF-activist Birgit Hogefeld, who has been faenglsed since 1993. Career consideration forward for the justice Federal president Horst K�hler refused yesterday, on Monday D. May 7. 2007, the earlier RAF-activist Christian Klar's free pardon. This message didn't put too many unexpectedly. Thus Christian Klar must remain in prison to at least 2009. At the same apartment K�hler also turned down a free pardon of the earlier RAF-member Birgit Hogefeld. After 2009 Birgit will remain in prison like the last RAF-activist until the exit of 2011. In defiance of conservative attempts at in the public to weaken this obvious and direct intervention in K�hler's decision, among other things from the German conservative Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel's page, the damage had happened. The earlier signals from the federal president's bureau about a coming free pardon of the last political prisoners from RAF was thus destroyed. The federal president Horst K�hler chose his career according to the progressive media's statements forward for the justice. Horst K�hler's decision has been met with criticism from a wide political spectrum: From left-wing intellectual circles about the director Claus Peymann for green politicians like Christian Str�bele and the left wing parti Die Linke (a kind of cross between SF and Enhedslisten), for socialdemocartic and Social Liberal politicians and earlier high-ranked judges like Ernst Gottfried Mahrenholz. The latter thought that such implacable point of views never ever are used on the other side those thousands by nazi-murderers that have been pardonned after relatively short prison sentences and without public debate. This spectrum face the black as coal politician circles and the majority of the German media, who support federal president K�hler's decision �med large sympati� (Bavaria's prime minister Edmund Stoiber). Ulla Jelpke, spokeswoman of Die Linke`'s domestic parliament section, said yesterday to the German media that the=�afgørels happened in the light of the government politicians' and the media's artificial up-whipped debate about RAF� and she thought that the criticism of Christian Klar's anti-capitalist point of view in the real world has turned against the entire existing left wing's criticism of the existing social conditions. Christian Klar has been jailed since 1982. He is judged for the murder of Germany's top Attorney General, Siegfried Buback among other things, in 1977 and on Hanns Martin Schleyer, who was a chairman of the German employers'=association and earlier high-ranked member of the Nazis' picked-corps SS (Sturm Staffel). Christian Klar came into the limelight recently in the reactionary part of the German media, when he sent a capitalism-critical greeting to the Rosa Luxemburg-conference in Berlin in January this year. Were the strength to fight otherwise come from? http://indymedia.dk/article/811). This greeting provoked a much announced debate about to what degree Christian Klar at all could be released, if he is still a declared opponent of the social conditions in Germany. High-rankedly Christian-conservative politicians whom Bavaria's prime minister Edmund Stoiber demanded for that reason that Christian Klar remains the prison rest of his life. Birgit Hogefeld was arrested in 1993 at a dramatic occurrence in the Northern German small town Bad Kleinen. Another RAF member, Wolfgang Grams, was at the time killed by GSG-9 anti-terrorism-unities. According to a kiosk lady, who observed the occurrences, Wolfgang Grams, were regularly executed by a police officer, while he lay down on the rails. In the fight also a GSG-9 police officer died. Birgit Hogefeld was sentenced imprisonment for life on the basis of police-related accusations without documented foundation and legal argumentation. She has added political distance since her arrest to RAF's strategy and practises, but stresses her continued capitalism criticism. ________________________________________ �. Is about a hopeless, terroristic forbryder�
http://indymedia.dk/article/873 RAF-activist Brigitte Mohnhaupt is released after 24 years
http://indymedia.dk/article/849 |
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