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ma 14 /05: Shell's rotzooi in Ierland en Irak Broeinest - 12.05.2007 00:12
De Nederlands/Britse multinational Shell is bezig met een groot gasproject in Ierland waar de plaatselijke bevolking zich fel tegen verzet ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_To_Sea). Aan de vooravond van de aandeelhoudersvergadering, informeren Ierse actievoerders ons over de campagne. Tevens wat info over de rol die Shell speelt bij het plunderen van Irak.  Broeinest, Plantage Doklaan 10-12, Amsterdam, 20.00 (zaal open 19.30) taal: Engels met vertaling naar het Nederlands.
http://www.broeinest.info Background information Shell To Sea is a campaign based in County Mayo in Ireland against the construction by Shell of a high pressure gas pipeline and a refinery at Bellanaboy which would process the gas from the Corrib Gas Field. The operation of the planned combustion plant would require around 120 Megawatts of power, which Shell is planning to generate from burning off uncleaned gas condensate, containing oxides of carbon and nitrogen, sulphur dioxide, methane and ozone. It is estimated there would be nine chimneys, four of them approximately 140 feet high, releasing carbon dioxide and methane equivalent to the global warming potential of 27,000 dairy cows. Local residents and activists set up a solidarity camp in Rossport in 2005, resisting the construction of the pipeline for serious environmental and health concerns, and have since blocked the site several times to stop workers from entering. They have been met with increasing police brutality culminating on 10 November 2006, the anniversary of the execution of Ken Saro Wiwa and eight other anti-Shell activists in Nigeria in 1995, when protesters were attacked with batons and several were injured. There was political controversy in Ireland about the use of such force on a peaceful demonstration and Shell to Sea lodged an official complaint against the police for violent handling of peaceful protesters on 9 May 2007. The evening before the Shell shareholder meeting, to be held in The Hague, Irish campaigners will inform about their struggle and about how people outside of Ireland can support them. Additional information will be given about Shell's role in Iraq: the company has recently made the headlines in relation to the draft law approved by the Iraqi cabinet in February this year, laying the ground for private oil companies to take large stakes in Iraq's oil. It became known that oil companies were involved in drafting the law and that UK diplomats have been involved in "extensive efforts since at least 2004 to push for companies such as BP and Shell to receive long-term contracts, which would give them exclusive rights to extract Iraq's huge oilfields". See also: Wikipedia on the Shell to Sea campaign http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_To_Sea Shell to Sea Homepage: http://www.corribsos.com/ On oil companies in Iraq: The Bretton Woords Project http://www.brettonwoodsproject.org/art.shtml?x=552252 Hands Off Iraqi Oil Campaign : http://www.handsoffiraqioil.org/ Nederlands artikel: http://www.globalinfo.nl/content/view/1197/30/ Laatste Nieuws: Iraqi Oil Workers to Strike over Privatisation Law: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2007/05/370387.html Maandag 14 mei Plantage Doklaan 10-12, Amsterdam, 20.00 (zaal open 19.30) taal: Engels met vertaling naar het Nederlands.
http://www.broeinest.info |
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