Controversial Drug Author Calls for the Legalization of Hero Wade Agnew - 17.05.2007 11:31
Wade Agnew is the Australian author of the recently released terrifyingly authentic autobiography entitled; “Cheating the Hangman: True Confessions of a Heroin Trafficker.” Wade happily consumed heroin for more than thirty years and successfully trafficked from the “Golden Triangle” for over a decade. He has recently turned his hand to selling the VapoHead marijuana vaporizer Down Under. For all the details please go to the website; For all the details about the Author go to;  Wade Agnew probably knows as much about heroin and the law as anyone. He used it for three decades, was a successful heroin trafficker for ten years, and has studied the legal status of heroin continually since first discovering the drug at University in the late 1960’s. “My affair with heroin has been an on-going one. I fell in love with it the first time I tried it; as a medicine for what ailed me, it was second to none.” The author of the recently released autobiography “Cheating the Hangman: True Confessions of a Heroin Trafficker” Wade is calling for the immediate legalization of heroin. Heroin trafficking gives you a very unique perspective on its status in society. The ongoing campaign of denigration is orchestrated, widespread and unrelenting. As Goebels said, if you repeat a lie often enough, eventually people WILL believe it. Wade writes in his book; “With heroin systematically demonized since the 20's, it wasn't surprising most thought it evil incarnate, an extremely dangerous drug, and a force against all the good in society. But in truth it wasn't toxic for the body, the brain was where the action occurred, and it was some smooth operator. They weren't monsters, just in exile from a society they refused to recognize. The orthodoxy fused notions of anarchy, violence and Bolshevism, into a hyper-negative highball, now impossible to unhitch the harness. That willful ignorance was a source of frustration and anger. It imprinted on their self image, colouring their interaction with the world. Why were drunks amusing, junkies sinister? They were thought a harbinger of a heinous moral meltdown, a role they took on with relish.” Originally set up by a Christian fundamentalist as a vehicle for his moral humbuggery, the “International Narcotics Control Board” is now entrenched as an instrument of US foreign policy and control, and with the organization in its pocket, the United States of America uses it as a propaganda tool; dictating to the world drug policy that serves their agenda and their interests. And make no mistake, it’s a powerful tool. This evangelizing does enormous harm to individuals around the globe, as well as promoting an illegal trade that fosters and entrenches organized crime, in the same way that prohibition directly fueled the Mafia in 1920’s America; “ignorance on an industrial scale”. Making heroin illegal robs the medical community of the number one pain killer on the planet, and criminalizes those who choose to use it. This is something that the author knows from personal experience, as a successful drug trafficker in the 1970’s and 80’s. When the Australian Capital Territory Government tried to set up a heroin trial in Canberra; the national capital, to save lives and administer pharmaceutical heroin to selected long term addicts in a safe and supervised environment, the Narcotics Control Board intervened. The extreme variation in the strength of street heroin is a real problem, and the cause of many overdoses, as is the lack of medical supervision and intervention when needed. The Board controls the issuing of licenses allowing countries to grow legal opium for the pharmaceutical industry. They told the Federal Government in no uncertain terms that it risked the Tasmanian opium poppy crop if they allowed this to happen. A compliant and conservative Federal administration caved in to this blackmail. This unaccountable organization wields enormous power. Holland has regularly experienced its pressure to repudiate their liberal drug laws, but stands firm in the face of on-going attacks. Read more about the legal status of heroin at; Also read this sample chapter from the author’s book; THE GRASS IS GREENER: The Australian heroin market in the 1970’s got a huge leg-up from the Royal Commissions into drugs. State police added the booster rockets. All the national attention was now focused on marijuana ignoring the growing heroin culture, a lens sharpened by the murder of a crusading politician in Griffith, the cannabis capital of the country. People wondered why so few were being arrested, and nothing confiscated. Were cops benefiting from the grass trade? Suddenly the heat was on, questions were being asked. Why were crops being discovered only after the intense press coverage? The speculation continued apace. This was all music to the ears of the budding heroin importer. With eyes now on the marijuana trade it went underground, leaving markets open for a drug capable of soothing the nerves of jaded hippies, popular, and instantly more effective than years of studying at The Happiness Institute. My mission was delivering forbidden fruit from foreign shores with forensic efficiency, right to your front door. While the new medicine was timely, some burning money would get their fingers singed. Millions of dollars worth of smoke was seized, while heroin still reached arms unhindered. My business had quadrupled in six months, so I was well aware it was cannibalizing the drug trade. Foisted on cannabis smokers, the drought entrenched a corrupt system with an avalanche of white-powder cash. But the grass was always greener…. Listen to more chapters from the book at; E-Mail: Website: |