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pers mededeling Christiania Laisons - 17.05.2007 23:24
Pressemeddelelse fra SF i Borgerrepræsentationen Who does pay for the clean up in Christiania? On May 16. 2007 SF will ensure that Københavns Kommune won't pay for the clean up after the action that Slots and Ejendomsstyrelsen with the police's help completed in Christiania last Tuesday. Therefore SF now asks Ritt Bjerregaard to make application to Slots and Ejendomsstyrelsen in order to get a reputation the government's for that they take themselves off the arithmetic for the clean up. "Slots and Ejendomsstyrelsen has informed that the action had for intention of securing that the Christiania-law's paragraph that it mustn't be built on the ramparts were respected. But it's beside itself in Hampen with such an action just in order to tear a fire site down, where nobody lived", says SF's Christiania-spokesman Frank Hedegaard. "We saw what in connection with the clearing of the Youth centre, it costs to tidy up after large police actions. Københavns Kommune got the bill on 2,6 mill. of DKK as a matter of fact. But we do not think, it's reasonable that the Københavns are to pay for the State's overdimensioned action", Frank Hedegaard continues. Copyright © town of Christiania.org All Right Reserved. Sent out it: 2007-05-17 |
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