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Demonstratie voor de KOPI NN - 23.05.2007 15:53
8 mei werd het kraakpand Köpi in Berlijn verkocht op een veiling. Hiermee wordt het voortbestaan van een belangrijk autonoom centrum bedreigd. 16 juni organiseren ze een internationale demo voor de Kopi en tegen G8 repressie, zoals ze stellen in bijgevoegde oproep.  Unity means power! On May 8th 2007 the self-governed living- and cultural centre Köpi was sold in an auction. By that, one of Berlin´s most important house projects is threatened. The end of the Köpi would also mean the end of more than 17 years of uncommercial, self-organised culture and politics. A fact that will please those in power, for it means the destruction of leftist infrastructure. The large scale, nationwide police raid on circa 40 object and activists connected to the protest against the G8 on May 9th served the same purpose : to paralyse and to spy on anti-capitalist structures. Obviously, the state does not really agree with the struggle against the powers that be. And inevitably, their answer can only be repression. And repression can only intend the following things : to weaken, to divide and to distract from the struggle itself. Everyone of us is meant to mind his/her own fucking repression-issues. But especially now, when the state exceptionally becomes afraid of what we do, it is important to stick together. We have to unify the different struggles of the left, and don´t let the media divide us into “peaceful” and “violent”. Because “violent” is the system that robs us of our ressources and our free-spaces a all around the world. More than 100 people would become homeless with the eviction of the Köpi and the trailerparc next to it. Therefore, the eviction has to be prevented by all means. The struggle for the Köpi and the one against the G8 are inseperably connected to each other. Both of them are based on one essential demand: A society free of exploitation and suppression. Join us for a nationwide demonstration in Berlin the 16th of june: Against G8-repression * Köpi stays risk-capital * Defend leftist politics ! June 16th 2007 * international demonstration for the Köpi and against G8-repression ! June 12th 2007 * Köpi-actionday : Get active in your own city ! May 21st – June 16th * Anti-G8-convergence-Centre in Köpi For more infos check : www.koepi.squat.net Donation are needed and welcome : Bank-account: SKI e.V. , BLZ: 100 100 10 (Postbank), Kto.: 671802102 |
Lees meer over: wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | wat wil je hiermee zeggen ? | pabie - 23.05.2007 17:53
wat wil je met deze oproep zeggen? dat we naar berlijn moet afreizen om te demonstreren of dat we op die zelfde dag in amsterdam of een andere stad een demo word gehouden? ps:ik ben persoonlijk voor het 2de en dan ook astublieft in amsterdam :p | |
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