news from abc minsk [eng] afab - 23.05.2007 17:43
a prisoner in minsk, russia, needs support In the beginning of April, our friend Jenia, activist, antiglobalist, vegetarian and antifascist, was arrested an put in Minsk temporary holding jail on Volodarskaya str. He was detained for vegetarian oriented tag and for throwing a brick into McDonald's window. Now he is threatened with few years of jail and a fine of about 1400$ In the beginning of June he is up in court. Now all we can do is send some food and cigarettes, twice a month, up to 30 kg. Even his mom does not know a thing about how he is going. Looks like some one up all this has decided he is really dangerous and the case is extremist, the judgement was put off and he is put in jail. We hope he will get off by the fine or by correction works. No one wants him to spend few years with rapists and killers. We wish the best, but the judgement, if not put off again, will decide on it. We can also write him letters and support him, collect money for the fine, anyway he'll have to pay a lot. Don't stay indifferent, he needs our support now. Unfortunately he does not speak English well, so we'd better write him in Russian, but he'll be glad to receive any letter from anyone, and feel our support and participation. Note, that cops read all the letters, so please try not to allow yourself some extras about Anarchy etc. Jenia, we'll support you up to the end of all this! Write letters here: Belarus, Minsk 220050 Volodarskogo str.2, room 35, for Shimanskiy Evgeniy Dmitrievich. If you want to send some monew for him, please, contact and mark "money for Shiman" Anarchist Black Cross Minsk PunX Crew/ ps/ Thats my adress for sending money. Its nececcery to get this money in 10 days!!! Igor Pomaz Sergeevich p.o. box 141 Minsk 220071 Belarus |