vrijspraak bommenwerper saboteurs UK bob de sloper - 26.05.2007 15:07
volgens de britse krant de guardian heeft een jury in engeland twee mensen die gearresteerd waren op een RAF-basis en van plan waren b-52 bommenwerpers te slopen als directe actie tegen de bombardementen op irak vrijgesproken. "Instead of preventing the jets from taking off for Iraq, the two men were charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage, remanded in custody for three months, and told to expect a jail sentence of up to 10 years. But while their mission may have been, in Mr Olditch's words, "a bit Keystone Cops", it was not criminal. That was the remarkable verdict of a jury at Bristol crown court this week, which unanimously acquitted the two men, having accepted their defence that they were acting to prevent the US air force planes from committing war crimes. Their action was reasonable, they had argued, because other means of legitimate protest had failed. The result, according to their lawyer, is the closest an English court has come to accepting that war crimes were committed by Britain and America in Iraq." lees het uitgebreide artikel op:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/antiwar/story/0,,2088629,00.html Website: http://www.guardian.co.uk/antiwar/story/0,,2088629,00.html |