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Vanmiddag zijn bij een Reclaim The Streets axie in Hamburg 60 mensen gearresteerd. De gehele demo werd door de politie omsingelt, en 60 (willikeurige???) personen werden gearresteerd. voor meer info zie duitse sites |
aanvullingen | extra info | nn - 28.05.2007 00:08
Today there was a 'spontaneous' Reclaim the Street party. Around 17:30 it danced its way through Hamburg. Around 150 people were reclaiming the street and were dressed up quite nice and colorful. More people joined in later. There were people playing instruments and singing. Also there was a small sound system with nice groovy dance music. The police were with many vans and tried to close us in as fast as possible but failed many times: we were just too 'fast and groovy'. We just want to party and there is nothing which can stop us, so we thought. A while later the police managed to close in people and different groups were arrested. 62 people, with one international person and one minor were arrested. According to the police the arrest was done because of the blocking the traffic (where did I hear that before? wasn't that also the case in Utrecht?). All I could see was that the police were the ones blocking the road and making traffic there impossible with their shiny green vans. Rumors said the arrested people would all be held up for 24 hours but around 23:00 this evening some people are already getting released. The released people till now all have a 'platzverweis' which is a ban for a certain place. Unknown is still for how long this ban will be in order. The released people say that the police has not given them any ground for why they were arrested, which is quite strange and contradictionary with what the police said before. see for the time ticker of the action: http://de.indymedia.org/2007/05/178772.shtml Hopefully photos will follow. All in all its quite shitty that so many people were arrested but still it was a great action with a really powerful message. Who's street? Our Street!!! Website: http://de.indymedia.org/ | Arrestanten vrij | Pukkie - 28.05.2007 09:36
Alle arrestanten zijn weer vrij gelaten, de laatste om 2 uur vanacht. Bijna allemaal hebben ze een Platzverweis mee gekregen. Dit is een soort verbod voor een bepaalt gebied. Binnen dit gebied valt: St. Pauli Noord, het stadscentrum, en ook het gebied rond de Flora (waar het CC is gevestigt), maar vreemd genoeg niet de plaats waar de mensen gearresteerd zijn. De politie lijkt op deze manier te willen voorkomen dat deze mensen deelnemen aan andere axie's. Vanmiddag is er weer een grote demo, tegen de EU/ASEM-Top(EU plus Azie) die deze week in Hamburg plaats vind. | |
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