opnieuw G8 actie bij mega-varkensmesterij van Straathof Pig on the run - 06.06.2007 16:58
(Helaas in de hectiek nog geen tijd gevonden om een Nederlandstalig berichtje te produceren.) Action group 'Liberate!' hits again during G8 tour... Second mega factory farm of Dutch firm Straathof exposed to publicity. Medow, Germany, 06 June 2007 - A delegation of Liberate! brought a visit to one of the largest factory farms in the region of Vorpommern, North East Germany. On two of the three gigantic manure silos, next to the immense stables in which 15000 pigs are held, the text 'No G8, No Schweinerei' has been written.  grote tekst want je moet het van ver kunnen zien  De G8 linken met de vleesindustrie  en snel weer het terrein af  "G8 vleesindustrie vreet onze wereld" The owner of the farm, Straathof, owns several other pig farms in Germany and the Netherlands and has applied for permits to build another one for 90.000 pigs. In the Netherlands Straathof is known for his endless juridical fights with neighbours and local governments, ignoring environmental and food safety regulations. As a pig from Liberate! explained “While industrial pig farms cause huge animal suffering and environmental problems in Europe, one should not forget that huge amounts of soy are imported from South America to feed the millions of pigs, chickens and cows. In South America, soy is grown in huge industrial monocultures, which leads to massive environmental degradation, deforestation, and displacement of the small farmers. We think this system is madness.” Nearly all the soy for animal feed is the so called RoundupReady soy of Monsanto, genetically modified to be resistant to the herbicide Roundup. The links between the G8, the cruel animal industry and the soy production in South America are evident. These countries are the main promotors of a capitalist, globalised agriculture system that creates a huge concentration of control over the food chain into the hands of a few multinationals. It creates farming systems without farmers. There is growing resistance among the population against the massive pig factories like the ones of Straathof. A local resident was quoted in an article as saying with disgust: “Straathof is a capitalist. He even wears a little golden pig on a necklace”. They have tried to impede the farm in Medow and the other new planned farm in the region. Legal procedures have been used to try to stop those projects, as well as demonstrations, like the one in January 2007. A report you can find on: http://de.indymedia.org/2007/02/167682.shtml. Meat consumption is growing world wide. Liberate! calls on everyone to stop eating meat, oppose the expansion of factory farms and existing meat industries, and no longer be part of this absurd system of industrial food production. A good resource of information and reports of earlier actions: www.pig8soy.org Website: http://pig8soy.org |