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SOL y LLUVIA / Mesitzorock CHILE at FESTIVALS in NL artmusic - 07.06.2007 17:32
to be announced  SOL y LLUVIA ( foto copyright artmusic) SOL y LLUVIA on TOUR in Netherlands 16.of June FESTIVAL MUNDIAL /Tilburg Leijpark - Millenuimstage 15.35 17.of June AMSTERDAM ROOTSFESTIVAL / Oosterpark - stage Zap City 14.40 SOL y LLUVIA is one of the most important bands in the Chilean music history (ounded 1976 in Santiago by the LABRA brothers) and has consolidated its position as the popular voice of the country, caring out large concentrations and concerts. Their rhythms and styles – known as Mestizorock – are inspired by the songs of Violeta Parra and Víctor Jara - are hot to dance and spiced with lyrics of social critic and love, taking their poetry and force into people’s heart- Their fans are young and enthusiastic. Join them at the Festivals to sing and dance together Website: http://ccaartmusicsolylluvia.wordpress.com/ |
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