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G8 Legal Team Update Legal Team - 11.06.2007 10:46
Information from the Legal Team about people still in prison Saturday, the Legal Team lawyers were 6 hours at the phone with the KAVALA (Police), JVA's (Prisons) and the procurror emergengy service to find out about people still in jail. I was already sure in the afternoon that all Police Stations were empty. We were however suspecting some wrong informations ant it was still possible that some people were in some prisons as well for long custody. Frirday night, 6 people have been released from the JVA Prison in Lubeck and some others have been transferred to the JVA Prison Waldeck. Nights at 2 o'clock, Anti-G8 people have been released from the Butzow prison at the same time as Nazi's, resulting in a critical situation for their safety. Hoppefully, the Prisonner Support Group could at the end drive everybody back home. Saturday morning, the prison in Butzow was empty and the last 2 people in prison Lubeck have been released after a solidarity demonstration in front od the jail. Presently there are still 2 people in the prison of Waldeck. The first one is a man coming originally from the Turkey and presently asking for asylum in the Netherlands. In this case, solidarity is particulary important as many turkish people asking for asylum in Europa in such situations are in danger that the Turkey request their extradition for political reasons. He has a lawyer from Rostock. The second one is a man from Rostock which should have been released already on the 3rd of June according to the Tribunal of Rostock. He was however kept in jail after a second decision of the Tribunal of Rostock of which we don't known the exact date. Nor his lawyer, neither the Legal Team were informed (after the first decision of the tribunal to release him) of this second decision. According to our information, he did not yet get any access to a lawyer. The procurror emergency service has refussed any visit of the Legal Team over the week-end. He will see a lawyer first on Monday. Saturday afternoon, the police controlled a man at the Warnemunder plage. He was kept 6 hours in custody at the police station Ulmenstrasse and released after the visit of 2 lawyers from the Legal Team. |
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