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Why your revolution is no liberation! MAD Köln - 12.06.2007 16:06
During the recent weeks and months a spirited debate developed in different German left wing newspapers and groups about the sense or non-sense, the perspectives and the means and goals of the mobilisation against the G8 summit. Different German and Austrian anti-fascist groups started a campaign to criticise a wrong analysis of capitalism widely spread in the anti-globalisation movement. In the context of this campaign several public discussions and lectures were held, a special webpage was set up but above all reader was published that contains a set of basic texts referring to this problem. This reader is available in German and English and will soon also be published in French in order to spread the debate also across other countries. Check it out: www.no-liberation-reader.tk  Fight Antisemitism With this reader, we want to take a stand against the currently predominating analyses, of the anti-globalisation movement, which, articulating themselves as in the broadest sense left-wing and anticapitalist, constantly boisterously trumpet their opinion, that another world was possible. We have serious doubts that this “other” world, was going to be of a better constitution than the current one. This anti-globalisation movement is of course not at all marginalised, but is enjoying broad sympathy, which reaches from the “bourgeois left” right to the so-called centre of society and which is even shared by Neo-Nazis The anti-globalisation movement is-as its protagonists certainly emphasise when facing criticism-a heterogenous movement, in which many groups and individuals have agreed to a minimum consensus. In the case of the activities against this year’s G8-summit this consensus will consist of the participating heads of government being evil, whereas demonstrators and activists on the other side of the fence are “good”. Within the last couple of years, another consensus has-explicitly and implicitly-been agreed on: An antagonism toward the USA and Israel, as well as a structurally anti-Semitic criticism of capitalism. The closing statement of the world social forum of Porto Alegre expressed the forum`s solidarity with the “Palestinian people” - not a word about suicide bombings or islamic anti- Semitism. The European Social Forum in Paris willingly offered a platform to the islamist and anti-semite Tariq Ramadan, whilst activists, that criticised the anti-Semitism of the No-Globals in a Flyer, were attacked and expelled from the forum. At an event during the EU-Summit in Copenhagen the Danish group “Global Roots” demanded a boycott of Israel stewards wore shirts with the slogan “Burn Israel Burn” on them. During an ATTAC meeting in Germany the Italian globalisation critic Alfonso de Vito compared Israels policy toward the Palestinians with the eviction of the Warsaw Ghetto. Noam Chomsky who can’ t detect anti-Semitism in Robert Faurrissons statement that the holocaust was a Zionist lie authored a manifesto in summer 2006 which declares Israel guilty of the Hisbollahs attack on Israels North because it was aiming to liquidate the Palestinian state. This silly writ which not only ignores the fact that there is no Palestinian state but also turns a blind eye to Israels withdrawal from the Gaza strip and the subsequent terror offensive of the Palestinians was promptly signed by other idols of the anti-globalisation movement: Naomi Klein, Jose Sarango, Arundhati Roy (amongst others).The latter was recently only notable by a completely amiss analysis of capitalism in which globalisation - equated with imperialism - is understood as a conspiracy of “men in suits”(Americans of course), who “trek the world like locusts”. Not forgetting the messias and head-of-state of the No-Globals, Hugo Chavez, close ally of the Iranian mullah regime which is currently sedously working on the nuclear destruction of Israel and which flaunts its president as the international figurehead of an extermination-anti-Semitism. Why the hatred for Israel and the Jews? After every attack on a synagogue or another Jewish institution Israels allegedly disproportional military policy is at least considered as the reason for the attack. No assault on a mosque or an African immigrant in Europe has ever been justified with a reference to the policy of Muslim or African states. Why the personalisation of the circumstances of capital? It should be known since Marx that capitalism is not an event staged by handful of “men in suits” but a total social condition. With this cognizance this reader wants to contribute to the formulation of a radical criticism. E-Mail: post@mad-koeln.de Website: http://www.no-liberation-reader.tk/ |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme G8 globalisering | aanvullingen |  | warrige verklaring | een andersglobalist - 12.06.2007 17:14
Dit epistel staat vol met onzin en halve waarheden. De strijd tegen antisemitisme is belangrijk, maar zeker niet minder belangrijk als de strijd tegen racisme. Het is duidelijk dat de beweging die zich achter deze verklaring schaart geen enkele kritiek duldt op Israël. Dat heeft zonder twijfel te maken met een onverwerkt verleden en schuldgevoel. Het antisemitisme is vooral in onze contreien en in Rusland een rijk verleden en het is natuurlijk intriest dat het dit vreselijke virus weer her en der de kop opsteekt. In elk geval is het niet juist dat antisemitisme wijdverbreid zou zijn binnen islamistische bewegingen. Daarvoor bestaat absoluut geen bewijs. | gesprek tussen doven | GI - 12.06.2007 18:10
Ach, een anti-deutsch pamflet doet konde van haar geboorte. De Anti-Deutschen zijn een van de meest merkwaardige linkse sektes die ooit het daglicht gezien hebben. In ieder geval zal ook dit weer geen discussie opleveren, want ze zijn niet in staat te observeren dat het ook maar een probleem is wat Israel uitspookt met de bezette gebieden. Voor wie een grappige schets van de Anti-Deutschen door de ogen van een Amerikaanse activist belieft: die is te vinden in het 3e nummer van Rolling Thunder (helaas niet online, wel in boekwinkels als het Fort Van Sjakoo te vinden) | Discussie gesloten | Redactie - 16.06.2007 07:34
As you all know Indymedia is not a discussion site. And because this is a topic which can lead to very heated debates, we will bin every comment made to this article from now on. Both sides of the argument have been sufficiently addressed by the article and the first two comments. Please take discussion elsewhere. Thanks! | |
aanvullingen | |