PAY A LOWYER DANCING!!! Mapundial - 13.06.2007 21:49
"Zonder partner" Intensive workshops with Diana This project solidarises with the Juan Paillalef Community, as they fight for their human and land rights. This project is organized by Mapundial and supported by people that wish to share their knowledge of dance and support the Juan Paillalef Mapuche community. Video Juan Paillalef Community:  Saturday 16th, June 2007 Beginners(without any danceexperience) 16.00hrs - Advanced 17.30hrs Price: one workshop € 15.- two workshops € 25.- Danzigerbocht 73, Amsterdam (nearby Strandwest) Contact: 06-41 58 62 53 Info and map:
http://www.mapundia php?option= com_eventlist& Itemid=&func= details&did= 5 Charming, coquettish, elegant, although Diana strictly follows the canons of tango, she always dances her own dance. She searches for inspiration in tango playing with her experience in salsa, jazz dance and ballet, but maybe her strongest artistic asset is that she is a perfectionist. When asked about that, Diana also refers to her school in Nice, where the approach to tango was quite professional from the very beginning. As a result, for Diana nothing is too simple and obvious in tango. She is still able to spend hours working out her ochos, improving her posture and developing the ways to dance beautifully starting from the very basics of tango. For benefit, Diana will give two workshops where she will share this experience with tango students. These are the -without partner- workshops, where each dancer will have to face him or herself. The dancers will even be deprived of that elegancy enhancement: the tango shoes; as some exercises will be done in socks. And that is how it should be, in an open honest battle for a perfect performance. E-Mail: Website: |