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Alleen 'terroristen' willen géén EU Superstaat? H. Ruyssenaars - Correspondent buitenland - 19.06.2007 10:49
Slimme Indymedia lezers kunnen dit wel: Citaat "Critics of the EU’s secret plans to bring back the failed European constitution by stealth at this week’s summit were blasted by the Italian President, Giorgio Napolitano. The Italian head of state told a news conference in Siena last week that "those who are anti EU are terrorists".* Europeans do absolutely NOT want a super-state! TAX HAVEN HOLLAND: COCA COLA, IKEA, NIKE, GUCCI, BONO, GELDOF ETC. ETC. Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - June 18th 2007 - Coming Thursday and Friday in the Belgian capital Brussels many of the ministerial European Union-gofers will further try to feed and screw the European people with the usual lies. The EU laws - a blank check written by the multinational thieves - must be 'sold'. Disgusting propagandists will spread the lies via the by the warmongers owned and run main stream media. Even if all acceptable polls in the EU show that nobody in his sane mind wants a fascist superstate as advocated by the war mongers. One of the slimiest characters in the bunch of errand boys for the managers of Holland and the EU - a spineless war criminal called Maxime Verhagen who has been named 'minister of foreign affairs' but was not chosen (only paid) by the Dutch who despise him - now tries to lie his way through the EU disaster, forcing The Netherlands into accepting the EU constitution which is criminal. Even if sixty-three percent (63) in Holland voted NO last time.* Quote: "The term constitution and all the symbols that refer to a European super-state have been practically dropped from the discussion, Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen said on Sunday after meeting with the other EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg. - "It looks as if agreement will be possible at the EU summit at the end of this week on the fact that a constitution is no longer up for discussion, but a traditional treaty to bring about certain changes. And we have also agreed that the symbols that refer to a EU super-state are also out of the picture," Verhagen said. And none if this is true: contrary to Verhagen and his multinational gangsters NOBODY in Europe wants a fascist super-state as slyly proposed by them. With eternal wars, without UN mandates or other control, for the war mongers profit and paid for by the US/UK, the UN so called 'peace keepers' and NATO war machine's cannon fodder's blood. WHAT IN REALITY IS HAPPENING IS THE FOLLOWING: In the UK Bilderberger Gordon Brown (Braun) - who is 'one of them' - will rule the waves of EU contempt, and in France this disgusting Bilderberger creature who is 'one of them' and a catastrophe for human rights, the likewise US/UK junta's neocon representative and usurper Nicholas Sarkozy (a.k.a. Tzarkozy) as the new president of France tries to advocate war criminal #1 in the European Union Tony Blair as the new and more permanent EU 'president'. That is sheer madness: Blair and similar 'humanoids' belong in jail for life, like all the other collaborating war criminals and thieves of whatever or double nationality, belonging to 'them'.* IN TAX HAVEN HOLLAND: COCA COLA, IKEA, NIKE, GUCCI, BONO, GELDOF ETC. ETC. The big multinationals above for instance, like thousands of others, all have their criminal finances in tax haven Holland where they DO NOT pay a cent in taxes. The fact that the BBC reported this morning (June 19th 2007) that in London alone ONE MILLION children are really poor and suffer doesn't matter to those vultures: they never pay taxes like you or me. They belong to 'them'. It's known that 'the cleaning lady around the corner' pays more taxes than the likes of SHELL etc. Now Sarkozy and his managers want to further force the EU laws opposing fighting French - and all of the EU's wage takers in the 27 by them usurped countries - back to for 'them' profitable slavery. With totally powerless unions as in many EU colonies already to keep the wages very low and the people poor. The Netherlands for instance has at present eleven percent people vegetating on the existence minimum, according to the official figures. And close to six-hundred-thousand children. In the #6 'richest' country in the world? Rich for whom? This is an unbelievable and criminal step in the wrong - London group's - direction which NO normal human being in Europe wants.* Neither do human beings in all 27 European countries want this murderous gang of tax paid robbers to go on shoving the old gangster-constitution of the EU down the throat of ignorant kept Europeans who are never told about the inhuman consequences for them while the multinational thieves keep them vegetating on minimum wage salaries and as usual hauling of the loot. Secretly and behind the backs of us who are forced to pay those criminals, they concoct EU-'mini treaties' etc.: the same criminal laws and restrictions for all slaves in the European Reich as before, but under a new name. Old and sour fascist wine with another label they're selling now. And war criminals like the treacherous and disgusting Dutchman Maxime Verhagen and the others screw the people for some economic advantages, parroting the US/UK junta's newsspeak: war is peace! By many people it is hoped that those war and disaster profiteers and their banking managers all soon will stand trial for their inhuman behaviour: like sending others of to death and DU radiation in illegal wars and forcing normal human beings - who abhor war - to pay for the bloody misery while all the time via the by them owned media and the dirty propagandists lying to them. But Europeans do absolutely not want a super-state as written last April, and in a colony like Holland with Apartheid* and other illegal laws - the fight keeps going on too. And remember: we were promised a European Union without borders, where we all would be able to travel freely, not even needing a passport. None of it was true: it was and is all a pack of lies. As written on April 16th 2007, two months ago: The UK's and The Netherlands PMs on Monday after talks in London declared that the EU constitution - which France and Holland strongly voted against* - can be 'reworked' as some kind of 'treaty'. To avoid a defeat concerning their fraudulent behavior, the PM's of the EU have decided not to hold any referenda at all: EU people don't even have the right to vote anymore. In both US junta's colonies it is abundantly clear: also Blair and Dutch PM Balkenende are war criminals and should with their co-criminals have been jailed a long time ago. Contrary to what is stated by the UK's Prime Minister Tony Blair and his likewise criminal Dutch counterpart Jan Peter Balkenende, none of the inhabitants of the European Union has been asked one way or the other whether they want Europe to become the super-state the directors of the EU-block in London have in mind. The creatures running the EU's 27 countries, try to form one huge power block, the US junta's war machine with the UN covering the pretexts for war, the based on lies usurped NATO war machine and money and troops within the EU which can be used in the global fight against other power blocks. Like Russia and China in the nearby future. In London after talks at Downing Street 10, the creature despised as the biggest traitor of the European Union, Tony Blair, spoke about the earlier voted down 'European constitution' which absolutely was a horror concerning human rights. But now both war criminals from Britain and the Netherlands said they believed the stopped EU constitution - contrary to what the law prescribes - can be 'reworked' and again represented as some kind of 'mini-treaty'. This innocently called 'mini-treaty' is a murder-treaty and as bad as the former 'constitution'. It leaves no human being in the European Union unharmed, lowering wages, wrecking medicare and the rest of the social fabric or what's left of it in some of the countries. The London War Lords* - the group doing this to Europe too - should be punished as fast as is possible for their war crimes and all other atrocities they have planned in their greedy madness. IN MOST EU COUNTRIES PEOPLE WERE NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE ON THE EU 'CONSTITUTION'... (Something the EU criminals try again now) Speaking after talks at Downing Street with his Dutch counterpart Jan Peter Balkenende, Blair said that while the proposed constitution had been ratified by 18 countries so far - [THOSE PEOPLE WERE NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE: IT WAS SHOVED DOWN THEIR THROAT!] - voters in the Netherlands and France both rejected the proposal in referenda.* The EU referendum stated that if any of the countries would vote NO, the whole plan would become obsolete and had to disappear. But here the criminal stooges are again, and as expected they are trying to sell the same fascism with another label. But it is still and in every inch greedy fascism, something which people never should accept and rightfully abhor: it shreds every form of the right to say or influence people may have somewhere. The human beings do not want the EU and the rest of the world under the bad influence of the US/UK junta and its collaborators to become a sick and inhuman totalitarian 'empire' for 'them'. LEAVE US ALONE YOU KILLING THIEVES! Lying through his teeth as usual UK traitor Blair said at the press conference : 'I think what the Dutch and the British are saying is that it is important we go back to the idea of a conventional treaty where the idea is to make Europe more effective, and to work more effectively because we now have a Europe of 27 rather than 15.' That is absolutely not true! What the human beings in the European countries are saying is: Leave us alone you thieves! Go away with your wars , torture, jailing and robbing of countries and human beings. What people everywhere on earth are wishing when confronted with those killing robbers - and not only in the European Union - is clear enough: revenge! And severe punishment for all those war criminals and their criminal collaborators who have done this and still are doing this to humanity. The people in the European Union want their own country, they don't want a 'mini-treaty' but want to be treated as human beings. And they want the culprits to be punished. Including the war propagandists in the murderous media who are guilty as hell as well. It is hoped by millions that those criminals will taste and suffer the revenge. This dirty trick - as the FPF wrote last Feb. 21st* - was slyly and behind the back of all people concocted and talked about by the criminals on March 25th in Berlin, when the 'managers' of all US/NATO countries in the so called 'European Union' not only celebrated the EU's 50th anniversary at the expense of the EU tax payers... In the German capital Berlin, and not in Rome where it all began or in Brussels where the EU headquarters are, but in Berlin the London shill and slavish 'chancellor' Angela Merkel who 'runs' the 'Bundesrepublik' - and the EU for six months - presented the secret plan of further expanding the EU by a new 'European treaty'. IT IS BELLIGERENCE AND BLOODY BLEEDING COMBINED, IN A TOTALITARIAN EMPIRE OF WHICH MOST EUROPEANS KNOW NOTHING YET. IT IS A BLANCO CHECK WHICH THE LONDON WARLORDS AND THEIR EU 'MANAGERS' WRITE WITH THEMSELVES AS CREDITORS, WHICH NOW IS PRESENTED BY BLAIR AND CO-CRIMINAL BALKENENDE. AND AFTER A MOUNTAIN OF LIES THE POOR PEOPLE IN THE EU MUST ACCEPT? NO WAY! NEVER! EFFECTIVE FOR WHOM? NOT FOR THE EUROPEANS ANYHOW, THEY PAY AND HAVE TO SHUT UP. To avoid losing another 'referendum' in the EU, none will be held? In the worst Orwellian newsspeak - and we are not supposed to understand this - they will name and try to 'sell' it to Europeans and others as said in some form of 'mini-treaty' for the EU. A European Union which will be 'more effective' as Blair said. Effective for whom? Not for the Europeans anyhow, they pay and have to shut up. A plan which of course has been ready for ages, but is presented by the war mongering criminals in London and 'adjusted' so the populace is kept unaware and doesn't protest. "And don't ever use the expression 'constitution' again!" is the warning to all EU and other shills. Who already have agreed that to avoid losing another 'referendum' in the EU, none will be held. Again the European people are denied a vote, and 'democracy' is just 'facts fixed around the policy'. What is presented today by Blair and Balkenende ought to be enough to give those traitors another life time in jail if there is a life after this one. War criminals as they are, they deserve every second of it. NEVER ACCEPT THEIR 'EU TREATY' IS THE SLOGAN! NOBODY SHOULD BE THEIR SLAVE! HENK RUYSSENAARS FPF - RELATED: * Opponents of EU treaty accused of being 'terrorists'- by Julia Hartley-Brewer - UK Daily Express - Monday June 18, 2007 - Url.: www.propagandamatrix.com/articles/june2007/180607Opponents.htm * THE EXPANDING 'EUROPEAN UNION' WILL PRESENT A 'MINI TREATY' - Democracy? To avoid losing another 'referendum' none will be held. - Url.: www.active.org.au/sydney/news/front.php3 * WHY FRANCE AND THE NETHERLANDS VOTED NO TO THE TREACHEROUS SO CALLED 'EU REFERENDUM. - Url.: tinyurl.com/d2llj * APARTHEID IN THE NETHERLANDS SINCE JANUARY 1st - 2005 - Url.: www.no2id-handf.org.uk/dutchfpf.htm * THE FRENCH FIGHT - BBC: French demonstrations: 1, 2, 3 ... many! - Url.: www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2006/03/337032.html * MURDEROUS MERKEL SEEKS TO PUT PRESSURE ON EU TREATY DOUBTERS - Url.: www.turkishpress.com/news.asp * EXTRA: THEY STEAL MORE THAN WE CAN IMAGINE: No one in the EU can keep books as badly as the EU - Url.: tinyurl.com/29ayzx * WHY THE US JUNTA WANTS THE EU: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND SHOULD BE READ CAREFULLY, BECAUSE THIS IS YOUR WORLD TOO: Speech at the Munich Conference on Security Policy by Russian President Vladimir Putin - February 11, 2007, Munich - Url.: www.kremlin.ru/eng/text/speeches/2007/02/11/0138_type82914type84779_118135.shtml * WHERE DOES ALL THE WEALTH GO? - WHO CONTROLS GLOBAL MONETARY AFFAIRS? - Url.: www.augustreview.com/index.php * THE DEMONIC CABAL - Url.: www.new-enlightenment.com/cabal_index.htm * The US/CIA lost the 'turf battle' in usurped Ukraine - Url.: www.apfn.net/Messageboard/08-06-06/discussion.cgi.67.html * DUTCH WAR CRIMINALS IN COURT - IT CAN AND MUST BE DONE! EVERYWHERE! - Url.: tinyurl.com/6dfkv * 'THEY' HAVE ALWAYS DONE THIS: THE BUSH FAMILY AND THE NAZIS: THE DUTCH CONNECTION - Url.: www.rense.com/general26/dutch.htm * LONDON: THE EVIL EMPIRE REVISITED - Url.: tinyurl.com/hcrg7 * THROW OUT WAR PROPAGANDISTS LIKE THE BBC, FOX, CNN ETC.! - Url.: www.cemab.be/news/2006/07/1632.php * The Dutch author this far has lived and worked abroad - never in an English speaking country - for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent. Of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism! * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars tinyurl.com/gpr4j The Netherlands fpf (at) chello.nl -0- E-Mail: FPF@chello.nl Website: http://tinyurl.com/gpr4j |
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