Triple-bill of activist video, July 2-4, Amsterdam Roy - 27.06.2007 16:30
Three nights in a row of video screenings. Videos by Dmedia (Romania), AK Kraak (Germany), Candida TV (Italy), Navinki (Belarus), and NoBorders London (UK), Presented in Broeinest (July 2), Operating Theatre / Cheque Point (July 3), and Joe's Garage (July 4) in Amsterdam. Monday July 2 Location: Broeinest – Plantagedoklaan 12 Time: doors open at 20:00 “Precarity and Media Activism” - a night of screenings and discussions: short films by Dmedia, Candida TV and NoBorders London discussion with Dmedia, Valery Alzaga (Justice for Janitors), AK Kraak & Flexmens #Made in Italy (42 min, 2006: Dmedia & Candida TV) Documentary on the delocalization of Italian capital to Romenia and the migration of Romanian labour to Italy, told through the contradictory perspectives of Italian business owners and corporate representatives, workers, taxi drivers, trade union leaders, and Romanian migrants in Italy. #Eden (18 min, 2006: Dmedia) There are over 16000 Italian companies in Romania, and some cities like Arad have been transformed into occupied territories. The Italianization of public space reflects its economic relations, as witnessed by 5 women who work for Italian companies in Arad. #Underground Londoners (30min, 2007: NoBorders London) An inside report on the struggle of undocumented cleaners working in the London Underground. Earning 5 pounds an hour in the most expensive city in the world, working two jobs to be able to still send money back to family in country of origin. How to organize against subcontractors and with the threat of deportation? *********************************************************************** Tuesday July 3 Location: Operating Theatre / Cheque Point – Damrak 16 Time: Voku at 19:00 & Screenings at 20:00 “Operating Theatre presents an evening on Belarus” Screenings of 2 films of the Belarussian video-collective 'Navinki' Q & A with two Belarussian activists on the current political situation in Belarus #It happened to a Lad (the first full-meter fiction production, 2001, Navinki) Yura, an alright bloke from a council estate, has a tiff with his babe. To try and chill out a bit, he decides to get himself an earner like all the rest. But on the way, he bumps into this gorgeous stranger – Nastia, an 'activist' from some democratic firm or other. Yura finds out his country's got somethin called an opposition, and it's fighting some dictatorship or other. Without expecting it, our hero winds up slap-bang in the middle of some political hoo-ha..... #Goodbye, Batska! (short-meter film-videokomix, 2006, Navinki) Hilarious sharp political satire, cover-version of the fabulous German movie “Goobye, Lenin” mocking the modern Belarussian reality, with significant role for the official TV propaganda Note: “Batska” meand “Dad” in Belarusian. But it's also the common nickname for Lukashenka – the President of Belarus since 1994. *********************************************************************** Wednesday July 4 Location: Joe's Garage – Pretoriusstraat 28 Time: screenings start at 20:00 “Ak Kraak Berlin goes Amsterdam” Screenings of AK Kraak productions members of the collective will be present at screenings #Between walls and favelas - police violence in rio de janeiro (60 min, BRD/Brazilia, 2005) Marcia lives in one of Rio's favelas. Her son is one of the 1193 people who have been shot dead by police in 2003 in the carnical city. A sharp increase of police killings have enforced its notoriety as one of the world's most violent forces of order. The victims are mostly young blacks from the poor neighbourhoods. In this brazilian/german co-produced documentary by AK-Kraak (Berlin), ATreVer and TV Tagarela (Rio de Janeiro) we let activists come to word, aswell as the first-hand accounts of people living in the favelas about their every-day experiences and their struggle for justice. #We are girls, but... - Women artists in Romania between everyday life and visions (46 min, OV, 2006) The documentary portrays five young and one older women artists who are living and working in different cities of Romania. Each story can stand for itself, but the film relates them to each other through a specific aesthetic for one hand and by following similar subjects, in order to contrast different attitudes, ways of living and working (art works/projects) in the context of the contemporary art scene in Romania. The camera accompanies the different women during their everyday life activities (at home, in the studio, with friends) and to special events (exhibition opening, art party...). In very close and personal pictures the film gives a deeper insight into the individual life situations. The women tell about their art work, everyday life routine and the difficulties to bring the „two domains“ of producing art, being creative and having a job for living, together. Another topic dedicates to the special experiences and problems of being a woman artist in an environment in which still prevails an old fashioned mentality regarding gender roles/relations in society. and other stuff: activism, g8, gender and all !!! ************************************************************************ This triple-bill is brought to you by EYFA - – in collaboration with: Donations welcome and will support Broeinest, Operating Theatre and Joe's Garage |