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Indonesische anti-terreureenheid martelt dansers Awo Meteta - 03.07.2007 14:25
Vrijdag 29 juni 2007 waren er Indonesische "dag van het gezin" festiviteiten op het Molukse eiland Ambon, bijgewoond door de Indonesische president en enkele buitenlandse ambassadeurs. Tijdens de festiviteiten werd er ongepland een oorlogsdans (Cakalele) uitgevoerd door een groep oorspronkelijke bewoners die, gewapend met speren, zwaarden en schilden vlak voor de neus van de Indonesische president de Molukse vlag tevoorschijn haalden onder de woorden:"Haal de stof eruit voor onze buitenlandse gasten!". Deze mannen worden nu wreed gemarteld door de Indonesische militairen. (Voor beelden van eerdere martelingen kunt u terecht bij www.fkmcpr.nl) Press Release: Anti terror squad detachment 88 abuses dancers in Ambon source: FKMCPR, Amsterdam, updated: 2007-07-03 14:33:30 After the arrest of 28 RMS freedom fighters last Friday, FKMCPR sources in Ambon report that the group that is still under arrest by detachment 88 is constantly severely abused. During night time the prisoners are kept awake with cold water. The prisoners are constantly interrogated and beaten without any regard for their basic human rights. In a time that Indonesia is promoting itself as an democratic country claiming to respect the basic human rights just like any other democratic country, it's a hard lesson to learn that people who peacefully express their will to be independent are put in jail by an anti terror squad. These people are no terrorist; they did not carry weapons, they only danced and pulled out the RMS flag. A question that comes to mind is: why is an anti terror squad used to arrest these activists? Why are they being abused? Could it be a way to intimidate the people of Maluku to keep them from standing up for their rights? If this is Indonesia's democratic way of solving their issues, then Indonesia is still far from becoming a democratic country. During the National Family Day in Ambon last Friday a group of 30 freedom fighters in custom clothes danced a traditional Maluku war dance in front of the President and his entourage. They ended their dance after 15 minutes while puling out the Indonesian outlawed RMS flag. Consequently, they were immediately arrested. Earlier on Tuesday 26th of June 7 RMS activists were arrested for making RMS flags. On the 1st and 2nd of July police found 6 flags flying in different villages around Ambon island. On the second of July an anti-RMS protest took place in front of the Alfatah Mosk in Ambon other small protest rallies were hold in Malang and Jakarta. The Republic of the South Moluccas (RMS) was proclaimed on the 25th of April 1950 in Ambon. After 8 months of bloody war Indonesia occupied most of the central Maluku Islands. The RMS government was evacuated to the mother island Ceram where they continued a guerrilla war until the 1960s. After RMS President C.R.S. Soumokil was arrested and killed by a firing squad on the 16th of April 1966 the RMS government in-exile was formed in the Netherlands. Until today the resistance against the occupation by Indonesia in Maluku continues. |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme kunst, cultuur en muziek militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |