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!Anti-Canada Day 2007! !Anti-Canada Day 2007! - 04.07.2007 05:40
On July 1st 2007, the third annual Indigenous anti-canada day event was held in Coast Salish Territories (vancouver, B.C.). A rail line in the native neighbourhood of Commercial Drive was blockaded as part of Indigenous People's ongoing resistance to the occupation of our territories by the state of Canada and capitalist corporations. This was one of many actions across the continent.  banner  flags burn on tracks  native youth  no justice on stolen native land INDIGENOUS ANTI-CANADA DAY INDIGENOUS DAY OF ACTION AND RESISTANCE On July 1st 2007, over 200 Indigenous women, children, Elders and men (and non-native supporters) took the streets and the train tracks on a march and blockade to mark their resistance to Canada as an oppressive force against their people. The march began at Grandview Park and proceeded down Commercial Drive to Venables Street where the CN rail lines were occupied and blocked for over an hour. During the blockade a Canadian flag was burned on the tracks by an Indigenous person, and several other Canadian souvenir flags that had been painted with the words "No Justice on Stolen Native Land" were burned by about 40 Indigenous people at the action. The group stayed strong throughout the blockade in a show of force to let the Canadian government know that Indigenous people will not take state oppression any longer. The march returned to Grandview park, again blocking traffic on the roads and intersections. The police presence was small, consisting of mostly bicycle units, and efforts to direct traffic were non-existent for at least an hour. Actions of this nature will continue to happen, not only at every Anti-Canada Day but also at other events in the true spirit of Indigenous resistance! U-Tube Video on its way! __________________________________________________________________________ photos of Anti-Canada Day in vancouver and link to you-tube video in the works:
http://harrietspirit.blogspot.com/ more photos & reports of continental actions:
http://wiinimkiikaa.wordpress.com anti-canada day event in montreal:
http://photos.cmaq.net/v/anti-canada-day/ other links:
http://ourfreedom.wordpress.comourfreedom.wordpress.com |
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