Swiss squat illegally evicted [en] groene voltage - 12.07.2007 16:33
On July 10th, "La Tour" was illegaly evicted in Geneva, Switzerland. Here's a brief summary of events and a call for international solidarity. Genève, la Tour evacuated and others to come Thank you for passing on the message to as many as possible Evacuation of the Squat, La Tour July 10 2007 On Tuesday morning at 10:00, the police invaded "LA TOUR" under the pretext of carrying out an identity control! This, so called, identity verification was followed by the arrival of a bailif who preceeded to proclaim that the house was abandoned (the inhabitants being held at the police station). Following the declaration by the bailif, a removal company were immediately called upon to start emptying the house of all its contents, throwing everything they deemed to be worthless in the back of a skip. Upon the commencement of this enforced and illegal evacuation, a crowd of approximately 200 people gathered outside the building. The crowd at first protested peacefully against the evacuation. A demonstration then took place at 18:00 which lasted until 22:00 and involved the flaming barricading of surrounding roads, throwing of missiles, smashing windows and even the overturning an unmarked police car. The police responded by making a succession of charges upon the crowd and firing tear gas. A total of 19 arrests were made, with a number of people still being held at this time. - A number of enforced DNA samples were taken. - One inhabitant was held for 36 hours - Many of those involved in the protest were condemned for rioting, agression against the police, violating public property and breaching the peace. WE ASK FOR YOUR ACTIVE SUPPORT In view of its imminant evacuation (Planned for the morning of Monday 16 July), the squat, Rhino calls for a gathering at 18:00 today underneath the red horn at its building (24 bvd des philosophes). A series of events and concerts are planned for tonight and during the forthcoming days - Thursday 12 july 18:00 Rhino - Friday 13 July 21:00, Cave 12 - Sunday 15 July Rhino (we invite all who are concerned to spend the night and following morning with us to protest against evacuation) - Monday 16 july - Rhino - Please come as early as possible to support our protest against evacuation WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR US - Come and lend your support - Bring your vans in order to help us reclaim our possesions - Bring any large tents, marquees etc.... - Or express yoursleves in whatever way you can For the removal and tents, please contact: 0041 79 577 09 08 To receive live sms for info: ask for registration on or send an SMS to 004178 842 09 73 Congratulations ! Intersquat of genèva Check for more details and photos on : - Communiqué de l'infokiosque de la Tour: |