The six ugly sisters Jeroen Van Der Skalk - 15.07.2007 11:42
are running dry  six ugly sisters With oil reserves running out in non-Opec countries, the six ugly sisters (Exxon, Chevron, Total, BP, Shell) are running dry, fast. Can’t count? You always have to count the AIPAC when dealing in the Middle East. The fundamental problem is their inability to replenish the oil we consume in our SUV’s with fresh reserves. This matters because the replacement ratio is one of the most important factors affecting an oil company's stock market valuation, and a rough-and-ready guide to how long it can survive. The replacement ratio is below 40%, at the moment, and dropping fast. The respected Houston-based consultant Henry Groppe put it bluntly: "The major, publicly traded oil companies are in long-term liquidation." And the Iraqis continue to fight one another and us because Israel asked us to invade the kip and all we wanted was more cheap oil to pollute the world a bit more. “We don’t care if they are Sunni or Shia- we just want the damn oil at any price.” “The higher the better – we make more,” say the ugly sisters. We’ll have to put in another Saddam. The AIPAC and their ‘long war’ can go to hell. |