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Nazis just attacked the anti-nuclear anarchist camp in Siber nn - 20.07.2007 22:10
Nazis just attacked the anti-nuclear anarchist camp in Siberia (night 21.08). Nazis just attacked the anti-nuclear anarchist camp in Siberia (night 21.08). They were armed with knives and guns (pneumatic?). Some activists are seriously injured. One is laying without conciousness, another one had both legs broken. The camp was totally burned. About the camp Last weekend ecological protest camp against planned international center for enrichment of uranium was launched in Angarsk of Siberia. First reaction of authorities was to illegally detain 10 persons 14th of July, but everyone was released after few hours, after being threatened and their fingerprints taken. Currently campers are establishing contacts with local people and building camp. In end of this week, daily pickets to distribute information about problem will start in the city. Already for two days various security services have been harrassing and threatening campers, curious to learn if campers plan any disorders. From http://avtonom.org/index.php?nid=1112 - check link for photos. Camp call: http://avtonom.org/index.php?nid=1072 |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | Alweer | Defiance - 21.07.2007 14:32
En weer ontkent de Russische overheid het probleem van extreem-rechts in Rusland. Volgens het artikel van IHT.com word het door de politie weer gemarginaliseerd tot "hooliganisme met het oogpunt tot diefstal van eigendommen". Dit is iets wat keer op keer gebeurd, niet alleen in Rusland maar zelfs in Duitsland. Vorige week zijn er in het Duitse Marl nog 4 Antifa's opgewacht en in elkaar geslagen door 10 gemaskerde fasho's. Twee hiervan zijn ontmaskerd en herkent als actief binnen de groep Autonome Nationalisten Marl. De verwondingen lijken echter gelukkig mee te vallen. De situatie in dit dorp is ook dat de lokale overheid het benoemd als "rivaliserende groepen jongeren". Deze problemen moeten worden voorkomen in Nederland! TOEN NIET, NU NIET, NOOIT MEER FASCISME! | of een ordinarie knokploeg? | iht-poster - 21.07.2007 16:07
Het zou mij niet verbazen als het een ordinaire FSB knokploeg was. Waarom zouden fasco's Russen dood slaan? Of was waren ze van de Kaukasus? Dan heeft het niet direct met fascisme te maken, maar 'gewoon' met Poetin en zijn allergie voor oppositie. | Russian environmentalists attacked, 1 killed | Daniel - 21.07.2007 20:42
Russian environmentalists attacked, 1 killed Published: 07.21.07, 14:37 / Israel News A Russian environmentalist was beaten to death and seven others wounded on Saturday when a group armed with iron bars and baseball bats attacked their camp near a nuclear waste processing plant in Siberia. Russian media reported up to 15 people shouting fascist slogans attacked the environmentalists, who were living in the camp to protest against nuclear processing in the city of Angarsk near Lake Baikal, 5,000 km (3,125 miles) east of Moscow. (Reuters) ================================================= "iht-poster": Vergis je niet betreffende de nazistische haat tegen "volksverraders" - en daar vallen alle linksen onder, inclusief 'environmentalists'. Website: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3428001,00.html | dode | Roy - 21.07.2007 21:38
Het zou gaan om Ilya Borodaenko van Autonomous Action uit Nahodka. Hij was 26. (Bron: viavia) | The statement of the protest camp in Angarsk | nn - 21.07.2007 22:56
On 21st of July dawn at 5 am our sleeping camp was brutally attacked. Some scumbags suddenly tumbled down our tents, burned down and stole our things, beat us sleeping in our tents with bats, hammers, cudgels, legs. The same time they were spitefully swearing at Antifa. The terrible and considered cruelty of their attack makes not doubt that it was not a work of some ordinary hooligans, but a thought over action of nazis. It is necessary to note a long (more than half an hour) absence of the police at a place of the crime, and the subsequent attempts of the police to deny an existence of nazi groupings in Angarsk, and pressing requests of the representatives of the police and the Office of Public Prosecutor to participants of the camp not to make a scandal and to avoid any communication with journalists. But we can not be silent because an indignation and a desire of a retribution overflows us. Last night we have lost our comrade: Ilya Borodaenko, an anarchist, a member of the Autonomous Action from Nakhodka has died because of a craniocerebral trauma (incompatible with life) and violent beating. That night he and 2 other participants of the camp were on duty and Ilya was the first who faced nazi scum. Some our comrades were sent to the hospital in grave condition (with concussions of the brain and fractures of arms and legs). Our tents are cut and fired, flags are stolen. However we will forget nothing and we won't forgive Ilya Borodaenko's death to his murderers (irrespective of successes or failures of the official repressive system investigating the crime). We won't stop activity of our environmental protest camp, we won't stop our struggle against fascist plague and nuclear mafia, against authoritative ideas and racist dregs, against all that destroys both the nature and human life and dignity. Today we grieve. Tomorrow we will continue our struggle. July, 21 2007 Photo after the attack: http://imc-siberia.org/node/39
Website: http://ru.indymedia.org/newswire/display/16950/index.php | ACTIVIST MURDERED NEAR ENRICHMENT PLANT | ecodefense - 22.07.2007 11:02
Ecodefense Moscow, July 21, 2007 ACTIVIST MURDERED NEAR THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR URANIUM ENRICHMENT IN ANGARSK, RUSSIA Today one activist was murdered and several others seriously wounded in Angarsk, Russia, the hometown for International Center for Uranium Enrichment (ICEU). We deeply grieve about this tragedy and urge local authorities to put all possible efforts to identify and punish criminals responsible for the murder. According to Ecodefense' own investigation, based on various information sources including statements from wounded activists, deadly attack was conducted by 15-20 Nazis (or activists of fascist organizations) which came to Angarsk from two other cities. Last week, group of 10-12 Russian anarchists and anti-fascists established camp in Angarsk as a symbol of protest to ICEU. This is our belief (shared by wounded anti-fascists) that the attack was not in any way related to the protest and nuclear issues. It was based on Nazi' abhorrence for anti-fascists. Local police was questioning remaining campers whole day today and asked them to leave Angarsk (all of them came from other cities) saying they can not guarantee safety for the future. This is not clear right now if they leave or stay but all of their camping gear was taken away by police. Today local police already made announcement about catching 6 suspects. Even if evidence about Nazis are clear, police is trying to scale down the tragedy and said attackers were not with any organization, they were just hooligans and vandals. Additionally, several Russian environmental groups were planning to set up the National anti-nuclear camp near Angarsk on July 26. This is not clear right now whether it will happen or not. Official statement is yet to come. Tragedy is absolutely shoking and creates great concern over incompetence of local authorities to control situation. Taking into accoung that Russian authorities are putting efforts to establish ICEU in Angarsk, the tragedy poses very important question - if security for people can not be guaranteed even by the police, how can it be guaranteed for the uranium enrichment facility and nuclear materials? For more information:
ecodefense@online.ru | |
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