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Info letter of the friends and comrades of the environmental nn - 28.07.2007 11:40
On July 21 at 5 a. m. about 15-20 young men in camouflage clothing with short-cut hair and white arm bands attacked an eco-camp organized by "Rainbow Keepers" movement and "Autonomous Action" near Angarsk, Eastern Siberia. The men were armed with armatures, baseball bats and pneumatic guns. Having overcome of three persons-on-duty resistance (they were guarding the camp; one of them was Ilya Borodaenko, who has died of bodily injuries that day), the men started knocking down the tents, beating sleeping peoples with armatures, baseball bats, jumping on the bodies, swearing camp participants. We have no doubts that neonazi implication is taking place in this attack, which was caused by presence of the people openly taking active antifascist stand in the camp. The attacking men’s screams and swears are confirming the ideological reason of the attack. Personal things grabbing was a by-action undoubtedly. It seems that it was made for getting antifascists addresses, telephone numbers and some "trophies". The high-ranking police officials’ announcements, state that there were only mercenary and ruffianly motives of the attack and no political ones must be considering as an unconcealed disinformation under general tendency of the government to deny existence of the nazi-terror problem in the country, which often having not only racial orientation. During many years nazi scum have been killing and beating everybody, who they considering as "human junk", from their ideological opponents to homeless, and different subcultures participants as well. It was at least 4th murder of a young active antifascist for less than 2 years. In November 2005 Timur Kacharava was killed, in April 2006 - Alexandr Ruhin, in March 2007 – Stanislav Korepanov. Massmedia materials identifying environmentslists as “tourists” look more than absurdly. The camp was started on July 14 and there was active work till the attack on 21. The work was covered in media and on activists’ sites as well (for example: www.avtonom.org , www.russia.indymedia.org). More details about the cause of the protest camp you can see here: http://avtonom.org/index.php?sid=5 Also it's necessary to say, that the Rosatom (Administration of Russian nuclear power) representatives announcement, state there's no nuclear industry waste import to Russia from other countries, is a shameless lie. More info about nuclear industry waste import in Russia from foreign countries you can get here: http://www.antiatom.ru/eng.htm . Protest actions against this dirty business were held by Russian and other countries (e. g. German) environmentalists and were covered in media. But the nuclear wastes are still cross the Russian state borders without any problems or difficulties. If it were refugees instead of the waste, they'd get a great deal of the problems: they'd be arrested and deported or would have to barely make both ends meet till the end of the lives... Attention should be drawn to the policemen unequal treatment of the victims. For instance, the passports and most of the personal belongings of the victims were confiscated, so that the people had to stay only in the clothes they had on when the attack happened (in shirts only, in fact). There're some states in media assert that the camp was organized by anarchists but not environmentalists (as if it's impossible to be an anarchist and an environmentalist at the same time). But it's a mistake, it’s possible! In general, it seems that the victims are the suspects. The official media say that "the attack was an act of revenge for a nazi's mate beaten by "antifa" movement activists who was in their opinion at the camp". However the "beating" has no any proves, just the nazis want to serve a shorter term, of course. They can shout about their political orientation only when can stay unpunished. There're two victims still in a hospital at the moment. One of them is in reanimation now. He was delivered to the hospital on Saturday, but had the operation only on Sunday. During the operation it was found out that the juices comes to the abdominal cavity from the pancreas torn for the last 1,5 days. He's got peritonitis, the situation is extremely hard. Another camp participator has a head injuiry an arm breaks. There was commemoration for Ilya Bondarenko killed on July 23 in Angarsk. Ilya Bondarenko relatives and friends gathered at the place of the killing and then held a memory action at the centre of the town near the "Rodina" cinema. After the action there was an attack on three activists of five young people. The people started beating the environmentalists demanding to stop testifying against their arrested friends. Nobody was injured seriously. There were two environmentalists arrested at the picket in Angarsk on July 24 for the participation in an unauthorized picket. The camp is taken away at the moment because the equipment was confiscated by the police. Police keeps preventing all the attempts to restore the camp. We're continuing the struggle. After all the events we should not lose heart and give up. The environmental protest campaign goes on. Website: http://community.livejournal.com/anarchia_ru/92182.html |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |