The European Expedition W H Y - 06.08.2007 15:54
YOUNG EUROPEANS CREATE EUROPE Dinsdag, 7 august 17.00 till it’s over Eendrachtsplein, Rotterdam Centrum Metro Eendrachtsplein  What? We are 50 young Europeans on an expedition through Europe gathering young people’s thoughts and ideas about Europe. We take the question of „Europe’s future“ from the hands of the national governments and the EU commission and pass it on to you – The citizens of Europe. How? By arranging concerts, theatre, debates, performances, film, radio and public events, we want you to participate and share your ideas and visions for Europe. Come and... - Taste the food and feel the music from other parts of Europe. - Experience the performance made in cooperation with the local environment. - Visit the cinema that shows our movies about how other Europeans live. Make an interview and bring your story along. - Pass on your visions for Europe in the debate tent, on a badge or through artwork. Why? Because it must be the citizens who create the future Europe. Go to our website and continue the debate and pass on your vision to others in Europe. When? Tuesday, August 7, 2007 17:00 until it ends! Where? Eendrachtsplein, Rotterdam Centrum |