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Send flowers to Pegah Emambakhsh Roberto Malini - EveryOne Group - 01.09.2007 01:21
Dear friends, let's make her to feel our love saying her that we're not all the same persons, that good persons exist, people who believe in brotherhood and solidarity. Send her a flower or a bunch of flowers with any flowers shipment service: Roses, Lilies or Gerberas.  Send flowers to Pegah Emambakhsh Pegah Emambakhsh is completely worn out. Till now her life has been characterized by pain, fear and death. She is a nice, reserved, religious and optimistic woman, but the world till now has offered her just discrimination, hatred, persecution, humiliation, injustice and imprisonment. Even now that her drama is known all over the world, even now that in many we pray for her, for her future, she's penned in a cold prison, without privacy, love or human warmth. Dear friends, let's make her to feel our love saying her that we're not all the same persons, that good persons exist, people who believe in brotherhood and solidarity. Send her a flower or a bunch of flowers with any flowers shipment service: Roses, Lilies or Gerberas. Flowers of all the colours, perfumed like the justice. Roses and Asylum for Pegah! Send her flowers to the following address: Pegah Emambakhsh, Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre, Twinwood Road, Clapham, Bedfordshire MK41 6HL, United Kingdom - Telephone 01234 821000 For EveryOne Group, Roberto Malini - roberto.malini@annesdoor.com E-Mail: roberto.malini@annesdoor.com Website: http://www.annesdoor.com |
Lees meer over: feminisme | aanvullingen | oh ok | not even cynical - 01.09.2007 04:31
who? | info | S - 01.09.2007 07:32
Pegah Emambakhsh is an Iranian lesbian of forty years, escaped from her country where, forced to the wedding by the family, she was having a story of love with a woman. In 2005, in order to avoid the persecution, with great courage and risking her life she's escaped to the United Kingdom asking for asylum. Even if the United Kingdom undersigned the convention that protect homosexual refugees to the risk of persecution by their native land, the asylum has been denied. But it's not all: she has been emprisoned and condemned to the deportation and not just pushed out over the frontier: she's going to be deported to the death. The EveryOne Group promoted an appeal, with some Iranian groups for the protection of the human rights. A big People's Movement in favour of the life of Pegah and the rights of the refugees has been created. Although thousands of letters and protests of Italian and European political authorities, intellectuals and activists of all the world, experts of international rights, United Kingdom is not receding from the decision to deport Pegah and the single result that have been obtained is an extension of few days. The deportation has been fixed for 28 August 2007, with the flight for Tehran of the 21.35. bron: http://de.indymedia.org/2007/08/192067.shtml | Latest news on Pegah | Mirjam - 05.09.2007 15:01
1. Er is momenteel een Hyves-groep geopend om Pegah (zoek op Pegah en Emambakhsh)te ondersteunen en iedereen op de hoogte te houden van het laatste nieuws. Pegah zit op dit moment gevangen en tot de Engelse autoriteiten haar toestemming geven om haar asielverzoek opnieuw in te dienen is ze nog niet buiten levensgevaar. Dit verzoek is ingediend, maar de overheid handelt alles schriftelijk af - dus het gaat heel traag. 2. Mbt. de actie: bloemen voor Pegah: Everyone Pegah has been given several bunches of flowers that have arrived for her at Yarls Wood detention centre. To know that people around the world care enough about her to send them has cheered her enormously and she is truly appreciative. They have made her happy and she is very grateful to you all for your love and support. As much as we rather like the idea of Yarls Wood disappearing under a mountain of flowers, we don't want this lovely gesture to so irritate Pegah's jailers that things are made more difficult for her. We are asking people if they would send cards and letters from now on. The legal and political campaign is progressing - slowly but surely - and as soon as we have any news you will be the first to know. Many thanks Lesley Friends of Pegah Campaign
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