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Programme for the anticivilization gathering 2007 llavors d'anarquia - 02.09.2007 21:50
September 8, 9, 10 and 11 PROGRAMME FOR THE ANTICIVILIZATION GATHERING 2007. SEPTEMBER 8,9,10 and 11. ATENTION: HAVE A LOOK AT: www.nodo50.org/llavors, SATURDAY 8 SEPTEMBER Morning: Welcome and preparing the place for the gathering. First workshop: Making bread. Afternoon: Debate: kaos and the wilderness” hol”The d by XXX. Workshop: “you and your body” Walking: apply botanic (edible, playful and useful plants) SUNDAY 9 SEPTEMBER Morning: Debate: “A non primitivist anticivilization” Workshop: using “esparto” straw. Debate: “Your health in your hands or health selfmanagement” Walking: apply botanic (edible, playful and useful plants) Afternoon: Workshop: “you and your body” Debate: “Energetic crisis and climate change” Second workshop making bread. Workshops. MONDAY 10 SEPTEMBER Morning: Debate: “Global change, a chance for authoritarianism” Workshop: intrusion or how to enter where you want to enter”. Making homemade soap Workshop: “you and your body” Afternoon: Debat: “Transgenic: laboratories sow death” Third workshop of making bread. “Introduction to cryptography”. Walking: apply botanic (edible, playful and useful plants) TUESDAY 11 SEPTEMBER Morning: Debate:“Post ecologism. Towards an ecology without romanticism”. Workshop: Recicling paper Walking: apply botanic (edible, playful and useful plants) Workshop: “you and your body” FAREWAY THIS IS ONLY A PROPUSAL. THE DEFINITIVE PROGRAMME SHOULD BE MADE IN THE GATHERING. Suggestions are arriving for more interesting workshops and we take them into account. REMEMBER: You must bring: Tent Sleeping bag Plate, glass and spoon and fork E-Mail: luddites@nodo50.org |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | ?? | ?? - 04.09.2007 12:32
where is this? country, city? | |
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