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Looking for Squatters from Aanslag Blauwe Cara Hoffman - 04.09.2007 16:39
am writing about squatting and police repression as part of the backstory for a novel that takes place in the present day fascist plutocracy. I'm interested in talking to anyone who lived at the Aanslag Blauwe between 1985 until 2003. am writing about squatting and police repression as part of the backstory for a novel that takes place in the present day fascist plutocracy. I'm interested in talking to anyone who lived at the Aanslag Blauwe between 1985 until 2003. I am particularly interested in talking to anyone who was there when the place was attacked and evacuated by the cops. I'm also interested in getting in touch with folks who were involved in anti-fascist/colonialist, anarcho-feminist or anti nuclear activism in holland germany, Ireland or london during the late 80s early 90s. I have my own experiences squatting here in the rustbelt and in the middle east but I'm looking for a broader perspective. I'm looking for funny positive anecdotes about the culture as well as stories about demos and actions. E-Mail: cara.hoffman@gmail.com |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen | |