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Molli Filmavonden in september: Molly Chaoot - 07.09.2007 15:57
Molli Filmavonden in september: Zwarte burgerrechtenbewegingen in de VS Deze maand hebben we weer eens een reeks filmavonden in de Molli. We beginnen deze eerste vrijdag 7 september met:  Mississippi Burning Molli Filmavonden in september: Zwarte burgerrechtenbewegingen in de VS Deze maand hebben we weer eens een reeks filmavonden in de Molli. We beginnen deze eerste vrijdag 7 september met: Mississippi burning (van Wikipedia): "Mississippi Burning is a 1988 film based on the investigation into the real-life murders of three civil rights workers in Mississippi in 1964. The movie focuses on two fictional FBI agents (portrayed by Gene Hackman and Willem Dafoe) who investigate the murders. Gene Hackman's character is loosely based on the actions of FBI Agent John Proctor. Dafoe's character is very loosely based on FBI agent Joseph Sullivan. The film also stars Frances McDormand, Brad Dourif, R. Lee Ermey and Gailard Sartain, and was written by Chris Gerolmo and directed by Alan Parker. It won the Academy Award for Best Cinematography, and was nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role (Hackman), Best Actress in a Supporting Role (McDormand), Best Director, Best Film Editing, Best Picture and Best Sound. The film has been criticized by many, including historian Howard Zinn, for its fictionalization of history. While FBI agents are presented as heroes who descend upon the town by the hundreds, in reality the FBI and the Justice Department only reluctantly protected civil rights workers and protesters and reportedly witnessed beatings without intervening.[1] Mississippi Burning was preceded in 1975 by a television docudrama titled Attack on Terror: The FBI vs. the Ku Klux Klan, depicting many of the same events. None of the movies used the real names of the murderers, due to legal considerations. Mississippi Burning never even mentions the names of the victims. They are referred to as "The Boys" The film presents the policeman's wife as the informant. The identity of the real informant - known as "Mr. X." was a closely held secret for 40 years. In the process of reopening the case, journalist Jerry Mitchell and teacher Barry Bradford uncovered his real name.[2] While the film produced an Academy award and several nominations, critics noted that blacks were portrayed in the film merely as victims who must rely on white heroes from the FBI to bring any of the criminals to justice. They point out that in a story in which black people and their struggle against injustice are paramount, there is no significant black character to represent the courage of African Americans of this period." Op vrijdag 14 september staat Malcom X op het programma; Daarna staan twee documentaireavonden centraal. Op vrijdag 21 september vertonen we een aantal documentaires over de Black Panther beweging en op vrijdag 28 september komt er een informatieavond over de MOVE-beweging in de VS met documentaires. De Molli is open vanaf 21 uur en de info-avond op de 28ste zal beginnen om 20 uur. De eerste drie filmavonden zijn tevens benefiet-avonden om geld in te zamelen voor het Comite NVB-Nee, die een demonstratie en manifestatie organiseren deze maand voor tolerantie en tegen racisme. De Molli is te vinden in Amsterdam, de Pijp, van Ostadestraat 55hs. Voor mensen die meer willen lezen: - Over Move en de MOVE-9: www.onamove.org en www.myspace.com/on_a_move - over de aankomende demonstratie: http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2007/08/46768.shtml E-Mail: molli@squat.net Website: http://www.molli.nl |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |