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New uranium transport from Almelo/Gronau to Russia ! SOFA Muenster - 18.09.2007 20:02
Well placed sources have confirmed that tomorrow (Wednesday) a new transport of depleted uranium waste will leave the uranium enrichment plants in Almelo and Gronau. From Almelo the uranium waste will go by lorry to Rotterdam-Waalhaven, from Gronau by train. From Rotterdam the load of about 2000 t of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) will go by ship to St Petersburg and from there by train to Novouralsk at the Ural mountains. Anti-nuclear groups from the Netherlands, Germany and Russia have called for protests tomorrow night. Since 1996 Urenco Ltd., which is running the uranium enrichment plants has shipped more around 85 000 t of uranium waste to Russia where it will be stored indefinitely under open sky. Since 2004 Russian, German, Dutch and Finnish groups have protested against this nuclear waste export and this summer the Russian nuclear energy authority Rosatom has said publicly that they want to stop the import of West European uranium waste by 2008/9 when the current contracts will run out. Involved in this dirty business are the Dutch and British government as co-owners of Urenco and the German energy utilities EON and RWE. Together with the French state-owned company AREVA they can make their own laws within the European Union for these kinds of waste exports - a very comfortable situation for the uranium industry! Willing partners are the Dutch and German railway companies plus the Dutch shipping company Wagenborg from Delfzijl. This time their ship MV Diezeborg will carry the nuclear waste from Rotterdam to St. Petersburg. The loading will take place in Rotterdam-Waalhaven on Thursday - departure is on Friday. From Russia several environmentalists from the organisation Ecodefense will come to Gronau to protest tomorrow together with regional groups against the departure of the uranium waste train. Current news about the transport and planned protest actions on: www.urantransport.de (in English, too). On Saturday there will be a big international uranium conference in Dortmund with participation from the Netherlands, France, Sweden, Finland, Russia and Germany to discuss new ways of stopping the dirty business of the international uranium industry. The programm (in Dutch, too!) is on www.urantransport.de E-Mail: sofa-ms@web.de Website: http://www.sofa-ms.de |
Lees meer over: europa globalisering natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | Protests in Almelo and Hengelo | SOFA Muenster - 19.09.2007 09:36
According to our information tonight there will be protests at Almelo station and Hengelo Oost (both starting at 22.30)! The train timetable is on the website www.urantransport.de E-Mail: sofa-ms@web.de Website: http://www.sofa-ms.de | Uranium transport cancelled by Urenco? | SOFA Muenster - 19.09.2007 17:38
This morning local police from Steinfurt (between Gronau and Muenster) told several people on the phone that Urenco phoned them today to say there would be no transport tonight! This has never happened before and is a major development! As for the reasons we can only speculate at this point. Fact is: The "Russia-wagons" are still waiting in Gronau for departure. So there is no reason to lean back for too long. Any hard news will be on www.urantransport.de E-Mail: sofa-ms@web.de Website: http://www.sofa-ms.de | |
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