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Direct Action News from Greece BlogerX - 20.09.2007 15:31
http://directactiongr.blogspot.com/search/label/english - DIRECT ACTION NEWS FROM GREECE This blog is an attemp to cover-publicise-translate all direct action news (mostly concerning Greece but also near countries as well), away from the mass media mediation, providing an open database on sabotage-vandalism-rioting and other fine popular arts that blossom throughout the ruins of our post-industrial society. You are welcome to send your own reports at directactiongr@yahoo.gr Last week's news: Group claims responsibility for the gas-canister attack in Nicosia (Cyprus, 20/9/2007) Source (greek only): http://athens.indymedia.org A translation of the group's statement: The strike in EDEK's offices in the morning of 14.09.07 was due to EDEK's role inside the system of repression and prisons. Solidarity to all prisoners. Solidarity to Christina Tonidou. Group "D.F.K 125" Notes: EDEK is the social-democrat party of the republic of Cyprus. In it's offices there was also a PASOK (greek party) office, so media related the attack with the upcoming elections in Greece. The damage was about 3.200 cypriot pounds (according to Phileleftheros newspaper). The newspaper now supposes it also has to do with the 8 immigrant prisoners protest a few days ago. Unkown persons throws coffee to PASOK party leading executive (Athens, 19/9/2007) Source (greek only): Polyzogopoulos talks to "Kathimerini" An unknown person threw a cup of coffee against Evaggelos Venizelos, leading executive of PASOK (ex-ruling "socialist" party), outside the party's central office. It came that the person was not some kind of (disappointed) party member, as well as he repeatedly acts like that (p.e. he had thrown wet paint to K. Stefanopoulos, the president of the greek republic) Photoes: http://www.kathimerini.gr/4dcgi/_w_articles_kathremote_...04299 Cops attack action against mobile phone antenna (Athens, 19/9/2007) Clashes between cops and citizens during an anti-antennas action. Source (greek only): http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_...67119 Wednesday afternoon there was a calling from the Exarcheia Citizens Initiative Commitee for a new popular assembly on the crossroads of Kallidromiou and Plapouta Streets. The calling for the public gathering can be found here (greek only): http://athens.indymedia.org/calendar/event.php?id=9478 Police forces circled the citizens' assembly, so they marched in the area, to lead back outside the Wind antenna, where some eggs and yoghurts were thrown to the policemen, who attacked the citizens using globs and tear gas, so they threw stones to the police. No one was arrested. In previous actions of the Initiative Commitee are included some open-air sabotages to mobile phone antennas, with the support of dozens of citizens preventing the police forces to intervene. from http://directactiongr.blogspot.com
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