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Camp Clownlitz closed down with a hug and a smile H. Salavila - 01.10.2007 10:32
Starting monday sept. 24, the rebel clownweek in Kaulitz (near Salzwedel, somewhere between Hamburg and Berlin) has ended succesfully last sunday sept. 30. Camp Clownlitz was the first international clownmeeting 'in peacetime' after the G8-protests near Heiligendamm. Rebel clowns from Germany, G.B., Austria and the Netherlands joined the camp. Camp Clownlitz started monday sept. 24 near the former railwaystation in Kaulitz. Large tents from Camp Wichmannsdorf (where the clownsbario was during G8 in june near Heiligendamm)were moved to Kaulitz and build op last tuesday. Wednesday the workshops started with some yoga and acrobatics. Also: pantomine. Thursday sept. 26: rythm- and a buffoon workshop. Friday 27 started the advanced clown training and ended sundaymorning. Saturday the rebel clowns danced till the middle of the night in the building of the former Kaulitz railway station. Sunday afternoon Camp Clownlitz ended withm lots of hugs, smiles and kisses. Thursday- and fridaynight was filled with clowntalks about the actual situation of the local gaggles (groups of clowns) and how to improve it. Also plans were made for 2 great hopefully international rebel clown actions in Germany in the first half of 2008. There were more ideas about clownnetworking, G8 in Italy in 2009, etc. The Clownlitz Camp inspired to have a new one next year, organised by another probably German gaggle in another city. More information about future international rebel actions in 2008 will follow. Sunday oct. 7 at 12.00 the third meeting of Rebelact (the Amsterdam clown army) will take place. The group is open for clowns from different countries and usually speaks English with each other. Somewhere between the second half of november and the first half of december there will be a first basic rebel clowntraining organised by Rebelact. Want to know more? Send a mail! E-Mail: rebelact@ddh.nl |
Lees meer over: europa globalisering kunst, cultuur en muziek vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |