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October Film Program at Joe's Garage bilidikit - 03.10.2007 16:44
A Month of Films From Turkey at Joe's Garage - October 2007 - Every Wednesday at 20:00 - Pretoriusstraat no:28 A'dam. There will be a short political video before each film. Today's screening 3rd of October: Anti-propaganda(10 min) + Tourist Omer in Star Trek(1973) A Month of Films From Turkey at Joe's Garage - October 2007 Every Wednesday at 20:00 Joe's Garage - Pretoriusstraat no:28 A'dam. There will be a short political video before each film. 03 October'07- Turist Omer Uzay Yolunda(1973)[Turkish Star Trek-eng.sub.] 10 October'07- G.O.R.A.(2004)- [eng subt.] 17 October'07- Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam(1982)-[The Man Who Saved The World- eng.subt.] 24 October'07- Ah Guzel Istanbul(1966) 31 October'07- Kebab Connection(2005)-[eng.subt.] |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek | aanvullingen | |