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Debate: Left Spring in Latin America Transnational Institute - 15.10.2007 11:46
Invitation to Debate: Left Spring in Latin America, Historic Opportunity for Europe De Balie, Amsterdam on Tuesday 16th October, at 20.30 No reservations needed - entrance free Four indigenous leaders from the Andean and Amazonian regions of Latin America will debate the impacts of Europe's role in agrofuels, mega-infrastructure projects and free trade agreements. The delegation is composed by Miguel Palacin (Peru), Blanca Chancosa (Ecuador), Luis Evelis (Colombia) en Rodolfo Lopez (Bolivia) - leaders who are playing a prominent role in the struggles for social transformation and change in Latin America. Miguel Palacin, of the Confederation of the Indigenous Peoples of the Andean region (CAOI) will also present the Enlazando Alternativas event being organised next May 2008 in Lima Peru by social movements and civil society organisations from both Latin America and Europe. He will also present the case of Mining in Peru at the Permanent People's Tribunal Update Hearing in The Hague on Monday October 15th.
http://www.tni.org/detail_event.phtml?&&act_id=17398 After meetings with Parliamentarians and NGOs in the Netherlands, the Indigenous Peoples delegation will continue their "Indigenous Peoples diplomatic Mission" and proceed to Belgium for meetings with MEPs, the EC and NGOs and also to Spain to participate in Barcelona and Madrid in the Week of Action on Debt. Transnational Institute www.tni.org E-Mail: andrea@tni.org Website: http://www.tni.org |
Lees meer over: globalisering vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |