Mobilization-Video for G8 2008 in Japan Indepent Media Activists - 19.10.2007 23:51
Here you find a new video for the mobilization for G8 2008 in Japan. The summit should take place at lake Toya, 2 hours away from Sapporo, located at the half-island Hokkaido. video  The German based anti-G8 infotour in Asia is just over half finished, but still going to Philippines and Hong Kong in the next week and a half. There will be a bigger report coming soon. INFOTOUR EUROPE: 1. A Tokyo based team will come to Germany and the region in Nov/Dec to show a new documentary about the activist scene there. 2. The No G8! Action Japan infotour will come to Europe in Jan/Feb. Both tours are looking for infotour hosts. If your nation or region can host a tour in their area, please see if it is possible and then contact them in Japan. However, please try not to make individual offers, but do try to organise national tours for them to save money and time. They also need funds for expensive airfare, so, sadly some priority will be given to those areas that can help pay the expenses. Also, language is a bit of a problem, so if you can find translators to translate from Japanese to your language, that is quite helpful. Write here to offer to host either tour: more reports about Asian infotour soon! E-Mail: Website: |