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Berlijnse socioloog nu geen terrorist? Media G8way - 25.10.2007 10:42
Gisteren heeft de federale rechtbank van Duitsland een uitspraak gemaakt in de zaak van Andrej. Holm, een socioloog uit Berlijn, die op basis van geconstrueerde bewijzen verdacht werd, onderdeel te zijn van een terroristische vereniging (de 'militante Gruppe'). De rechtbank maakte duidelijk dat er geen enkele reden was om Andrej op te sluiten, en verklaarde de repressieve maatregelen tegen hem onwettig. Er werd echter geen principiele uitspraak gedaan over de vraag of de 'militante Gruppe' wel in aanmerking kan komen als terroristische groep, en vervolgd mag worden met het anti-terroristische wetsartikel 129a. Nog steeds zitten drie mensen vast op basis van dit artikel, omdat ze in Juli gepoogd zouden hebben, een voertuig van het leger in brand te steken. Tevens is het rechterlijk onderzoek tegen de socioloog Andrej H. nog niet ingesteld. Zie hieronder de Engelse persverklaring nav van de uitspraak gisteren. Bekijk een eerdere verslag over deze zaak op Indymedia: http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2007/08/46596.shtml Coalition for the Immediate End to the § 129a Proceedings c/o Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte e.V. Greifswalder Straße 4 D-10405 Berlin Germany einstellung [at] so36.net
http://einstellung.so36.net Telephone +49 1577-4300652 Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Berlin, 25th October 2007 *Arrest warrant against Andrej H. overturned *Lawyers demand an end to the §129a proceedings Yesterday the German Federal Court announced its decision in the case of Berlin-based Andrej H. The Court has decided that at no point there was any immediate suspicion that would have necessitated his detainment. The arrest warrant against the activist and researcher was unlawful from the beginning and has thus been overturned. “We welcome this decision. Particularly because with this decision the Federal Court confirms that the conclusions of the Federal Prosecution were purely speculative and exaggerated,” Christina Clemm, Andrej’s legal representative said. “The various violations of my client’s basic rights that have occurred in the last months are therefore unlawful. The next step is to close the case.” The Federal Court did not address the question of whether the „militant group“ (mg) should be considered a terrorist organisation. "The Court has not taken the fundamental decision we expected. At the same time, the decision they did take has massive consequences for the other individuals still in custody,” Ulrich von Klinggraeff, the legal representative of Florian F. stated. “The criticism of the Federal Prosecution is now stronger; the proceedings are based on speculation and construction. We also think that there is no immediate suspicion of the other three with respect to §129a. Therefore the arrest warrant against them must also be revoked. The defence still expects the Federal Court to take a decision as to whether the „mg“ can be considered a terrorist organisation or not.” Since yesterday witnesses to the case are being questioned. At least 19 friends and acquaintances have received court orders. Alain Mundt, legal consultant to the witnesses said: “These questionings are an attempt to find out more information about the personal and professional lives of the accused.“ Furthermore, the Federal Prosecution is looking for new contact persons. The witnesses have been asked about their personal lives, for example about their educational background. “Obviously it’s unclear to the Federal Prosecution what they are looking for.” Wolfgang Kaleck, spokesperson of the Republican Lawyers Association (RAV) and a defence lawyer in the case, commented on the basic procedures of such 129a charges in recent years, “After 9/11 the voices against the paragraph 129a legislation became quieter. The last year has shown that this legislation continues to be used against social movements and particular types of militant protest. That is why it is important to continue to work towards its abolition.” ------------------------ Media G8way Media G8way does not claim responsibility for the content of the statements it distributes on behalf of the groups or individuals who use its service. Media G8way is an international press service for individuals, groups, networks and (dis)organizations who understand themselves to be part of an independent radical left movement against the G8. Contact: * Jo Smith + 49 1577 4630348 * g8-press-int@nadir.org * www.gipfelsoli.org/MediaG8way -- Media G8way does not claim responsibility for the content of the statements it distributes on behalf of the groups or individuals who use its service. Media G8way is an international press service for individuals, groups, networks and (dis)organizations who understand themselves to be part of an independent radical left movement against the G8. Media G8way Contact: Alex Smith +49 16092437902 Jo Smith + 49 015774630348
http://dissentnetzwerk.org/node/2669 Website: http://einstellung.so36.net/en |
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