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Genua G8 - We are history - 17 nov 07 bb - 03.11.2007 05:56
We are history - a call to mobilization for november 17th 2007 It's been years we have asked everybody to take responsibility as collectively as possible for what the mobilizations against G8 in Genoa were.  .. The arrogance of Genoa prosecutors during the final speech of their accusation in the court case against 25 protestors accused of devastation and sacking seems to have eventually aroused the hearts and brains of 300000 people that in Genoa opposed themselves to the politics of the G8. We think this is not the time for childish hairsplittings and sectarism. What we need now is a mass demo and an uncondtioned participation to all those events that will try to make pressure on courts and justice to avoid a conclusion in the court case along the prosecutors desires. This is the reason we hope everybody will answer the call for mobilizations, with intellligence and the will to reclaim what those long lost days of july 20th and 21st 2001 represented for us all. We are history A call to mobilizing for november 17th, 2007 "We are history" is not a catchphrase. It's a specific approach to the point: on one side social history, on the other the hisotry of power. The people who sang this song over the years did it instinctively knowing to be part of an important part of history, wether it official one or not. And they did sing it thinking of Genoa 2001. By any means necessary. Since July 21st 2001 the State Justice and politicians began to review the history we all lived: those who revolted against a certain view of the world became terrorists; those who spread terror through the streets of Genoa became the Champions of Order and Safety. For six long years this is what we breathed in the courtrooms, while our collective voice was growing faint, along with a process of collective removal that made a lot of people forget that Genoa was not only terror in uniform, but also the strenght and energy of hundreds of thousands of people that at least for few days thought that the world could be different from how they have always been told. For six long years the puppet theatre of the criminal court was all we got instead of hearing the real voices of the people, believing that in some way judicial truth and historical facts could meet, hoping that in some way everything could come to an end without having few demonstrators paying for the revenge of power all by themselves. The public prosecutor's Canepa and Canciani bills of indictment for the trial against the 25 demonstrators accused of devastation and sacking finished the operation of historical revisionism that started the day after the demonstartions against the G8 in 2001 and was ended by the demand of 225 years of jail for the 25 demonstrators. We think that the time has come to take back our voice, to shout that what happened in Genoa in 2001 belongs to all of us, to mobilize with intelligence in order to avoid that 25 people pay for something that we all did, where we were all protagonists, none excepted. We want to strongly launch the demo for the 17th November in Genoa, and all the other events that aim to the reappropriation of our historical memory and of the meaning of those days in Genoa, six years ago but still alive for what they represented. We would like that everybody relaunch this call without signatures, without identities, because Genoa is not over, it's still here, and today, and it concerns all of us and everybody has to take charge of it, without exclusion Let's start with a first meeting in Genoa: 17 November 2007 WE ARE HISTORY |
Lees meer over: Agenda europa G8 | aanvullingen | |