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Solidarity for social centrum in Helsinki Vera - 20.11.2007 21:04
Demo in Amsterdam op donderdag/on Thursday 22-11 om 10.00 uur/o´clock op Koningsplein!  Elimäenkatu De beste en de enige gekraakte sociale centrum in Helsinki heeft je steun nodig! Kom en laat je solidariteit zien bij de Finse consulaat; haal je zwartgeklede kont uit je bed op donderdag 22-11 and ontmoet ons op Koningsplein om 10.00 uur. Vodka en sauna voor iedereen als het pand gelegaliseerd wordt! The best and only squatted social centre in Helsinki needs your support! Come show your solidarity at the Finnish consulate; drag your black clothed asses out of bed on Thursday 22-11 and meet us at Koningsplein at 10.00. Vodka and sauna for everyone when it gets legalised! The Amsterdam Squatters for Elimäenkatu ------------------------------------------------------ Helsinki occupied social centre - call for solidarity 22 November 8 November 2007: On November 22nd the City of Helsinki is going to make a decision if they will legalize our squat. It is likely that the decision is going to be negative, but our struggle can change that. We appeal to all of our friends across Europe to act in our support against the conservative and right wing politics that are being pushed through by the officials of the City of Helsinki. Find an embassy of Finland close to you, arrange a demo, send us regards, do what ever you please but now is the moment we need your support. We are very grateful for the support we received before, from Malmo, Copenhagen and other places. One month ago we made them back of with their plan to evict us. Now we find ourselves in the same situation where we face risk of eviction, but also see a possibility of legalizing our social centre. Stakes are higher this time, because we think now city can't postpone their decision. Now we need help even more urgently from our friends in struggle. In Helsinki we are going to arrange a demonstration November 22nd and you are totally welcome to come here to support us. We have accommodation for you here, so please inform us if you re coming, to:
sosiaalikeskushki@gmail.com. We are not giving up! +++ from Elimäenkatu 15, 3 November 2007: Dear friends of the social centre movement, in Europe and beyond! Thank you for your responses to our call for solidarity in defence of the Elimäenkatu 15 squat in the Helsinki district of Vallila, Finland. Negotiations between the users and occupiers of the house and (through the city authorities) the owner of the house, insurance company Etera, were threatening to end up in a deadlock and call for eviction this Thursday, the 25th of October. A study called for by city authorities claimed that the house is in too poor condition to be used, and that it can not be repaired for less than 100 000 euro. This false claim was to be used as a reason to evict the building, a 3-floor house that previously served as a bar and office space and was squatted and turned into an occupied social centre in August 2007. As of today, the city authorities decided to not process the issue in their meeting, but rather delay any decision until the 22nd of November. This may mean more time for the squatters to present their plan for how to manage the space, and hopefully win a more permanent position. However, the owners’ original threat to call for an eviction unless a negotiated conclusion is reached during the month of October remains. We hope the risk of negative publicity and actions will keep them from carrying out their threat, but will only know after further negotiations. Please stay tuned to the process. We feel that there have been concrete achievements and a strengthening of our position, especially thanks to the struggle together with the comrades in Copenhagen, last month and last year. We wish you luck in your battles, and look forward to standing by your side in the future. And please be ready to act again also on our behalf if there is need. We may now have a week more, or a month more, or a year. But at some point also we will come under the attack of capital. Until then, and especially then, you are welcome to visit us in Helsinki! Yours, the squatters of E 15
http://www.q-olio.net/valtaus/?q=node/102 |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme feminisme globalisering kunst, cultuur en muziek media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | Foto´s | Vera - 22.11.2007 12:26
 spandoeken ophangen  lui van de konsulaat  spandoek Hier een paar foto´s van vanmorgen.. | Open brief aangeboden aan de consulaat | Vera - 22.11.2007 12:35
Open letter to the Finnish consulate of Amsterdam 22 November to Helsinki City Council On this Thursday 22nd November 2007 we hold a demonstration in front of the consulate of Finland to give our support to the Elimäenkatu social center. Amsterdam has a long history of squatting and owes a lot of its unique, vibrant character to the squatting movement. The city is attracting people from around the world who have an urge to create something different. This is still the case, even with the increasingly fascist immigration policy and the efforts to commercialise this very energy that has no price tag. Free spaces such as social centers enable things that are unlikely in your normal setting in a capitalist society. They are meeting points for people without a necessity to have money. You can create what you want, be it drawing, music or life-changing discussion with someone..or longer term projects such as political info nights or study groups. In the Netherlands, squats have offered space (and still do) for concert venues, give-away (free) shops, radio stations, infoshops, people's kitchens, sports and dance, women's groups, even saunas. They are also a starting point for a variety of projects: festivals, bands, research groups, publishers, magazines, internet providers, mailorders, food co-ops. Elimäenkatu social center is a unique place, not only in Helsinki, but in whole Northern Europe. Any society that calls itself democratic should not deny people the space to meet and create outside the normative frames, nor their right to themselves take such a space when other possibilties have been exhausted. Therefore we urge you to legalise the social center of Elimäenkatu! Amsterdam squatters for Elimäenkatu
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