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Nieuw initiatief: DIRECT ACTION AGAINST WAR reneb - 25.11.2007 21:55
George Bush, when threatening Iran, talks of the spectre of 'World War III'. Until now, a US/Israeli military strike on Iran seemed a dangerous possibility. Now it has become an imminent reality. DIRECT ACTION AGAINST WAR ((DAAW)) To join our network of over 1,500 U.K and Global subscribers, please send a blank email to the address below and then wait for, and reply to, the confirmation message:
directactionagainstwar-subscribe@yahoogroups.com KEY NOTE: Messages are sent out in roughly twice weekly digests so as not to overload your inbox. PURPOSE: George Bush, when threatening Iran, talks of the spectre of 'World War III'. Until now, a US/Israeli military strike on Iran seemed a dangerous possibility. Now it has become an imminent reality. It is well past time to move beyond the comfort zone of A-B demonstrations (important as they are) and towards direct confrontation and opposition to our own illegal military states. DAAW is a well moderated e-group. Most events or actions which are asking more than the signing of another petition, or more than just another march from point A to point B, will be considered for approval as a form of Direct Action. The Group Guidelines Can Be Read Here:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/directactionagainstwar/message/2757 We look forward to receiving your subscription request. Once subscribed send messages to: directactionagainstwar@yahoogroups.com Visit us: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/directactionagainstwar If you have difficulty subscribing email: daawtalk@yahoo.co.uk ATTACHMENTS: Please don't send attachments, as they are automatically removed due to the spread of viruses. Please send all info in plain text. DIRECT ACTION AGAINST WAR ((DAAW)) |
Lees meer over: globalisering militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | |