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CIA Coup tegen Chavez verijdelt deze week? valja - 29.11.2007 12:31
Caracas - Woensdag 26 nov 2007 - Een amerikaanse avokate doet mee in de boliveriaanse strijd tegen het Amerikaans imperialisme. Ontmaskerde zij mee een interne Nota uit de Amerikaanse ambassade om Chavez te tikkelen? Een memo gericht aan het hoofd van de Cia in Washington, gen.Haydn geeft uitleg in detail over de plannen voor een coup op Chavez deze week. Documenten komen binnenkort on line beschikbaar voor controle en onderzoek.  Freudiaanse vergissing; titel van 'vorig' bericht bleef staan; who killed him? An internal CIA memorandum has been obtained by Venezuelan counterintelligence from the US Embassy in Caracas that reveals a very sinister - almost fantastical, were it not true - plan to destabilize Venezuela during the coming days. The plan, titled "OPERATION PLIERS" was authored by CIA Officer Michael Middleton Steere and was addressed to CIA Director General Michael Hayden in Washington. Steere is stationed at the US Embassy in Caracas under the guise of a Regional Affairs Officer. The internal memorandum, dated November 20, 2007, references the "Advances of the Final Stage of Operation Pliers", and confirms that the operation is coordinated by the team of Human Intelligence (HUMINT) in Venezuela. The document confirms that psychological operations are the CIA's best and most effective weapon to date against Venezuela, and it will continue its efforts to influence international public opinion regarding President Chavez and the situation in the country. Operation Tenaza is a very alarming plan that aims to destabilize Venezuela and overthrow (again) its legitimate and democratic (and very popularly support) president. The plan will fail, primarily because it has been discovered, but it must be denounced around the world as an unacceptable violation of Venezuela's sovereignty. The original document in English will be available in the public sphere soon for viewing and authenticating purposes. And it also contains more information than has been revealed here. Posted by Eva Golinger at 4:21 PM
http://www.chavezcode.com/2007/11/operation-pliers.html Meer dan 50 regime changes/ coups door de Vs gepleegd in de laatse decennia.
http://freedocumentaries.org/film.php?id=171 |
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