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Holland: students protest against 'dumbing down' Henk Ruyssenaars - Journalist - 29.11.2007 15:58
Tomorrow, Nov. 30th 2007, pupils in the whole country again will protest against the 'dumbing down' via their schools: they want 'quality' in their education. Not the government proscribed 'quantity' of 1040 school hours. The present school system - according to an education professor - is dangerous. Dit leest men buiten Nederland, op Internet natuurlijk: WHY ARE THE DEMONSTRATIONS CONTINUING? Henk Ruyssenaars - Journalist FPF - AMSTERDAM - November 29th 2007 - The 'government' in The Netherlands - the buffer between the people and the multinationals which only care about profit, not human beings - and especially the so called 'minister of education' Ronald Plasterk, seems to be really afraid of the umpteenth demonstration by the country's pupils. It must be their bad consience, because on Thursday they threatened the rightful would-be student protesters with heavy fines. The country wide demonstrators act again against the dumbing down through the imported and 'invented' school systems of the past decades. "A total failure" as the 'governments' - which along global lines planned the 'education' misery - have admitted. But they have not yet changed the system, following US/UK plans.* The 'government' has warned through their major and compliant media collaborators ''that pupils which demonstrate, without a permission by their schools, can be fined up to 2250 Euro.'' Mayor Job Cohen of Amsterdam and his group - who rightfully are afraid too - says he and his people 'are not very happy' that the demonstrations on Friday is taking place in the center of Amsterdam.* THE GOVERNMENT'S 'COUNTER-FORCES' WILL - AS USUAL AND THROUGH PROVOCATING AGENTS - START 'VIOLENT INCIDENTS' IT IS EXPECTED. FOR WHICH THE PROTESTERS - VIA THE GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA IN THE MAJOR MEDIA - OF COURSE WILL BE BLAMED. LIKE IS DONE TO THE FIGHTING PEOPLE IN FRANCE AND GERMANY, WHO REFUSE TO BE DEGENERATED TOO. IT'S GROWING EVERYWHERE, IN THE EUROPEAN UNION TOO, BUT THE PLUTOCRATS' MASS MEDIA WON'T SHOW THE FIGHTING GOING ON. THEY ARE AFRAID. It must be understood however, and contrary to what most major media publish, that the protest is not about lowering the 1040 hours spent at school, which already through the protests have been lowered to 1000 (one thousand) hours in the class room. It is about the fact that the teaching through the years has severely 'dumbed down' nearly everybody in The Netherlands school system, and in society as well. FUTURE TEACHERS: 12% HAS LANGUAGE AND MATH DIFFICULTIES It is for instance referred to information about the fact that 12% (twelve percent) of the students from the PABO schools, where they are supposed to be learning more to educate and be the future teachers, that they can NOT count correctly or speak the dutch language properly. And those people are going to teach the children? It is known that half (50%) of the nursing personnel in the hospitals doesn't know how to count correctly either. They do NOT know the difference between for instance one milligram or a gram. One millimeter, a centimeter or a decimeter. And let's not talk about oz. etc. According to official figures, at present between 1700 and 1800 people a year die because of 'medical faults'. Those are so called 'official' figures, so reality must be much worse, as always with those statistics. Anybody can draw their own conclusions. The man paid to do the job and steer the education, mr. Ronald Plasterk, in a last ditch attempt promised he would get together one billion euros to raise the salaries of the teachers. Money Plasterk will never find because he is not supposed to, but it'll function as the usual and stupid excuse to keep the teachers at bay. "It's under investigation, you know?" Most of the student unions - like all unions - are heavily infiltrated, and thus nearly made powerless. Tht was part of the des-education plan too. The pupils on the other hand used - and use - their cell phones and messages via Internet to communicate. And many don't give a damn about the 'infiltraitors' or the 'sell out' so called 'government'. That's why the 'managers' of The Netherlands are scared and are trying to keep the number of against their rules protesting people traveling to Amsterdam, as low as is possible. Imagine the arrogance and illegal chutzpa: they threaten to fine people which they are supposed to, and paid for, to represent! In an usurped country which already suffers 'Apartheid' and an enormous restriction of civil liberties, something which this 'prostituting political personnel' is guilty of too. - Url.: http://www.no2id-handf.org.uk/dutchfpf.htm LEARNING NOTHING WHEN AT SCHOOL "This 'new teaching' is harmful for the students" explained professor Greetje van der Werf, an expert teaching education knowledge at the University of Groningen. She had been asked by the [tax paid] members of parliament to explain the system to a parliamentary hearing concerning 'reform' in the educational system. "The pupils are kept confused, and will learn still less than before. They will understand less." she said. Van der Werf: "This new system leads to a complete disorder and is emptying the schools, of which the most extreme form is a totally deserted school." she said. In Holland, with its 16,5 million inhabitants, at least to most of the pupils and students it's clear that the old Dutch slogan "If you keep them stupid, I'll keep'm poor." after all those centuries of abusing human beings must stop. As said: They want quality in their schooling, they want to learn something: that's why they protest. They want a human society and not the present inhuman one: run by a mafia of money makers. In the quoted article below, by the NL State propaganda channel Radio Nederland Wereldomroep - I've worked for them, but had to stop: they forgot most about honest journalism - the poison is as usual in the tail. According to this writer, de Jong - who clearly wants to keep his job as a propagandist at RNW - there is 'Little to complain about' in Holland. Which is not true in the country where the average people pay the highest taxes in the world, and the big companies nothing. Holland has by its managers been turned into a tax haven.* De Jong writes that ''The Netherlands has no harrowing poverty or lack of prospects. And the fun of rioting without a cause appeals to some students. There will always be people who riot because it's exciting, and looks tough on websites such as YouTube and Hyves. It remains to be seen whether things will calm down, or whether the violence will escalate further." HOLLAND RICH? FOR WHOM? AT LEAST 11% LIVES IN POVERTY The fact is that - again according to 'official' figures from the Central Planning Bureau, CBS - at present there is at least eleven percent (11%) of the people in Holland who live in what they call poverty. During the regime of the present 'sell out' Prime (better said 'Crime') Minister Balkenende and his money mafia, and via the deteriorating social fabric, billions are stolen and poverty in the Netherlands (#6 on the Forbes list of 'rich' countries) has GROWN with at least one percent a year. And the bleeding of peoples and countries goes on. In the dutch language there's a word for what the school system and this malignant regime is practicing: it's called "roofmoord". Meaning robbery and murder in one word. And that's exactly what the multinational financial cartel via the political and tax paid personnel in Holland is doing too. It really is criminal. RNW's Perro de Jong is at least right when he writes that ''the students protest against pointless classes. Last week a union which represents high school students (LAKS*) eloquently pointed out that what is truly ludicrous is a recent government recommendation to enforce a law which requires students to spend 1,040 hours at school. For one, there is a severe shortage of both qualified and unqualified teachers, so students often find themselves sitting in classrooms where they have nothing to do. Unless one argues that blindly following rules - which make no sense at all - is the most valuable educational lesson for a future career in public service." [ ] But that's exactly what has been done: those who do not belong to the plutocracy, the money stealing elite, must blindly follow the rules! And 'public service' is very, very scarce in Holland... What first were 'paid for civil rights', is now doled out as 'favors'. No wonder the people protest, and look for useful lampposts. - [ http://tinyurl.com/2rskpv] THEY'RE FINDING OUT THAT THERE APPARENTLY ARE TWO KINDS OF PEOPLE: THOSE WHO PAY TAXES AND THOSE WHO LIVE ON IT... RIDICULOUS METHODS De Jong: "Last year the government decided that schools which did not enforce the 1,040-hour rule would be fined. LAKS says schools find ridiculous methods to increase the number of hours spent at school in able to avoid the fine. For instance, students are given three hours of homework, which they must complete in the classroom. Or they must spend time sweeping the school yard. Because of the shortage of qualified teachers schools are unable to fill the norm by giving lessons. Images of the police violence appeared on the Internet and national media. Monday’s images of rioting students were also spread by mobile phone cameras. This created a snowball effect." [end excerpt] It is sincerely hoped by many people that the demonstrating people take down the government, because those puppets - like the medieval so called 'monarchy' - are criminal, corrupt and deadly. They really all deserve every second of it. As a foreign correspondent with more than forty years of global experience, I fully agree that this 'government' is a cancer for Dutch society: they have not only been degrading education for more than a decade, but everything else as well. Decency (in Dutch 'fatsoen') has nearly become extinct through this regime. The Netherlands is a full time protectorate of the US/UK/NATO junta and its war machine, and the despicable and corrupt creatures of the present regime are fully responsible, and - according to earlier valid law - full fledged war criminals which as soon as is possible must be judged and punished as such. THE PROPAGANDISTS IN THE MULTINATIONALS MAJOR MEDIA - DERIDING ANY FORM OF CRITICISM OF THE 'GOVERNMENT' AND THE FINANCIAL CARTEL BEHIND THEM - ARE GUILTY AS HELL TOO. The students are right in demonstrating their massive contempt for this government's plans. They do not want to be kept stupid, and they do not want to remain poor. That's why they fight too. And they are right! HENK RUYSSENAARS * Source: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep in English - Url.: http://www.radionetherlands.nl/currentaffairs/071127-Dutch-school-protests-mc RELATED LINKS: * RATING THE 'NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND' UNITED STATES 'EDUCATION' SYSTEM - Url.: http://nochildleft.com/2007/jan07fraud.html * GOOGLE 'SELECTION 'NEWS' RESULTS 1 - 10 OF ABOUT 29 FOR NETHERLANDS STUDENTS' DEMONSTRATIONS. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/27r4m7 * WIKIPEDIA - [WHICH BELONGS - LIKE GOOGLE ETC. TO THE US/UK FINANCIAL CARTEL] - ABOUT HOLLAND a.k.a. THE NETHERLANDS - Url.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netherlands * HOLLAND IS A 'TAX HAVEN' FOR COCA COLA, GUCCI, IKEA, BONO - and ten thousands of others - Url.: http://argusoog.yourbb.nl/viewtopic.php?p=1086 * IN DUTCH: ANP IN DE VOLKSKRANT - 27 NOVEMBER 2007: "'NIEUWE LEREN IS SCHADELIJK VOOR LEERLINGEN’ - Url.: http://www.volkskrant.nl/binnenland/article481929.ece/Nieuwe_leren_is_schadelijk_voor_leerlingen * IN DUTCH TOO: LAKS - INFORMATIE VOOR SCHOLIEREN - Url.: http://stop1040.laks.nl/ * PABO STUDENTEN ZIJN DOM? - Url.: http://nieuwsmening.blogse.nl/log/whats-with-the-netherlands/pabo-studenten-zijn-dom.html * KEEP'M STUPID & POOR: THE GLOBALLY INFAMOUS WAR CRIMINAL & BAD GENIUS, HENRY KISSINGER, THE ADVISER OF THE US/UK WAR MACHINE, REFERRED TO MILITARY MEN AS: "DUMB, STUPID ANIMALS TO BE USED" AS PAWNS FOR FOREIGN POLICY." SOURCE - Url.: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2003/06/266114.shtml * WHY U.S. AMERICANS (AND MANY IN OTHER COUNTRIES LIKE HOLLAND AS WELL) WILL BELIEVE ALMOST ANYTHING THEIR 'GOVERNMENT' AND PROPAGANDA MEDIA TELL THEM - Url.: http://www.rense.com/general78/believe.htm * THE GLOBAL ELITE: WHO ARE THEY? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2y5854 * AMERICA (PLUS THE EUROPEAN UNION, AFRICA, LATIN AMERICA, JAPAN ETC. ETC.) PLUNDERED BY THE GLOBAL ELITE - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2gfynw * THE STATE OF OUR WORLD IN RELATED LINKS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2ncumy * IT'S DANGEROUS TO BE RIGHT, WHEN YOUR GOVERNMENT IS WRONG. - VOLTAIRE * MAMARAZZI WEB SITE: FOR ARTISTS - PHOTOGRAPHERS AND OTHER BEAUTY LOVERS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2k3ehh * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. 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